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Bayonetta Nude Skins

Here’s a nude mod for Bayonetta. It replaces the 1 costume with a lewd version. Works not only is Bayonetta nude for game play, but also for cut scenes. Updated to the latest version. Credits: Masterofx.

  • Extract the “Bayonetta-nude-mod.7z” file anywhere you like. There are one folder called “No Intro” and 1 file called “pl0000.dat” inside.
  • Put the “pl0000.dat” file in the “Bayonetta/data/pl” folder. If you don’t have the “pl” folder, just manually create it and put this file there.
  • Go to the “No Intro” folder. Copy and paste the “B_US_0000.sfd” and “PlatinumGames.sfd” files to the “C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Bayonetta\data\movie” folder. Overwrite the original ones.
  • Launch the game. The nude mod is aimed for the first costume.

Bayonetta Nude Skins
Bayonetta Nude Skins
Version: 1.2
4.0 MB

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3 thoughts on “Bayonetta Nude Skins”

  1. What Costume does it change for her to be nude i fallowed the instructions and everything but still does not work please Help

  2. Fernando de Cespedes

    Ther is no dat files, just acb files. “pl0000.acb” so it just crashes

  3. @Jeff Hoffman
    You have to complete the game first. This mod changes the first costume after you beat the game.

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