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Jade Dynasty Vengeance: nude mod

Jade_Dynasty Nude_Mod 1


This mod contains nude skins for all female player characters in the free to play online MMORPG game Jade Dynasty Vengeance. Credits to Arayashiki01

After applying the patch you will be able to play the game with a completely naked character and the modification is of course making your female character seem nude only for you, so all other players in the game will see the normal model and not the nude one.

There are no special requirements, just don’t forget that the nude mod is only for the female characters, so you need to create a female one and not a male one.


Open the “Nude Mod” folder from the patch and run the “PWPatcher.exe” executable file, then select the correct patch to the file “Models.pck

(typical location of this file is “Jade Dynasty Vengeance install dir/elements/models.pck“).

Press patch and wait a bit for the patching process to finish the nude modification of the female characters in the game.


The “restore” button in the patcher does not work yet, so you better make a backup copy of the “Models.pck” file before patching and just replace the patched one with the original file when you need to remove the nude patch.


Jade Dynasty Nude Mod
Jade Dynasty Nude Mod
947.0 KB
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