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Lola Lingerie, Virtual Girl

Desktop nude patch: Lola
Set: Fresh kiss
Stripper: Lingerie, Shaved
Hair: BLOND Race: European Age: 21
Country: CZECH REPUBLIC City: brno
Vital: 31/24/32 Height: 5.25 Weight: 99

Download Fresh kiss Lola

Virtual Girl Lola – Fresh kiss

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My vision is to assimilate a show company and play with crunches & fluffs… I’m gonna travel round the USA, to extend my horizons besides my sexy exploits.

My parents have always told me that taboos are the worse matter on earth, particularly when you have a enjoyable body… May be that’s why I’ve always been very fruitful with guys. I have a pleasant couples, a lovely and round ass and a silky skin… People are so bizarre! I have the sense that the well I feel in the dresses I wear, the more self-confident I am and the cooler I attrack guys eyes…

Enjoy my cartoons, photos and videos sirs, I’m all yours

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