Desktop nude patch: Mina
Set: Gangster movie
Stripper: Lingerie, Stockings, Shaved
Hair: BRUNETTE Race: European Age: 23
Country: CZECH REPUBLIC City: Prague
Vital: 35/25/35 Height: 5.55 Weight: 107
Download Gangster movie Mina
Virtual Girl Mina – Gangster movie
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I’m from the lovely CZECH REPUBLIC, Prague  and I hope to teach you boys a some thing or binary about CZECH girls! I shackled up with 2 months in L.A., go-go strip dancing in Prague , eastern European then for Desktop strip patches… My privat life is a daydream! I have an cute tattoo behind my decolletage, a beautiful tattoo on my pussy, plus a pierced clit and belly button, yeah the guys love that!!
I like to get and feel desire in your eyes, undress very slowly so that you are dying to learn what I got for you in virtuagirls… And I got a lot to give! They all tell me I have what it takings, specially once they come to see me unclothe in the clubs on sunset boulevard. I think women strength lies in her sensualness syrupiness… We have such a influence on men’s feelings…. And I love playing with this. When I was small I needed to be a policewoman. But and then I realised later on, that was better by way of a stripper girl for virtuagirl! I jumped at the chance to be virtuagirl, who wouldn’t? I wish you boys are gonna care my strip shows.
I wish modelling for all classes of stuff. I do fashion expressions, directory erotic magazines and of course, some sexier stuff! I can’t give the impression to find the right guy however. Possibly me and you can get to see each other better? We’re fiery Desk Babes who tell how to determination guys wild and we wish making out, so if you are deskbound comfortably, then let’s begin…
And I must admit entrances have ever been opened for me, maybe reason of my will, maybe cause of my sensual body also… The other humorous thing is that at the present that I’m in the softcore modelling everybody wants to making love me. I have the sense that the well I feel in the clothes I dress, the more self-confident I am and the easier I attrack guys eyes…
Stripping naked in front of a public for Virtual Strippers is so stress that each girl must be qualified how to striptease for her man! I quickly accepted on with a pair years of qualified striptease for Desktop Strippers, so I guess I had advanced very early a real wisdom of sensualness…. Then you know all that, so get me!
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