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Brawlhalla Naked Men

The mod replaces male characters with a nude version. It’s available for Bodvar, Thor, Sir Roland (Roland the Victorious), Ben 10K, Diamond Head and John Cena. It’s compatible with alternate colors and tmnt update in Brawlhalla. Credits: Blackout4E7 and Cartoonstuff13.

How to Install Brawlhalla Naked Men:

  • Navigate to your “steamlibrary\steamapps\common\Brawlhalla” game’s folder and make a backup of this folder somewhere safe.
  • Go to the folder you where unpacked the mod’s files. Copy all the “.swf” files into your “Brawlhalla” folder and click “replace files in the destination”.
  • Have fun!

Note: this mod will be broken as it always do after an update. Just reinstall it (it will work again just new skins and characters will show up as a place holder until the author can update the mod).

Brawlhalla Naked Men
Brawlhalla Naked Men
Version: 1.0
9.2 MB
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