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Days Gone Topless Sarah

Meet topless Sarah Whitaker of Days Gone. The mod replaces Deacon with half naked Sarah. Unfortunately, there is not a detailed nipple texture yet. Maybe it will be added after the mod’s update. Credits: Brivid0_Boy.

How to Install Days Gone Topless Sarah:

  1. Copy the “500-Sara Poky Nude Mod_P.pak” file to the “%LocalAppData%\BendGame\Saved\Paks” folder.
    Note: Create the “Paks” folder if you don’t have it.
    Final location of the mod’s file should be: “%LocalAppData%\BendGame\Saved\Paks\500-Sara Poky Nude Mod_P.pak”.
  2. Go to your game’s location and rename the “sfpaks” folder to anything else. Not sure why this works currently and hopefully we will find a better way to load mods.
  3. Done! Enjoy!
Days Gone Topless Sarah
Days Gone Topless Sarah
Version: 1.0
7.4 KB

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