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Far Cry 5 Naked Women

Here’s a full nude mod for the Female Deputy, Mary May, Deputy Hudson and Female NPCs in Far Cry 5. It includes modified outfits for the player and female NPCs. Credits: marcus69.

Far Cry 5 Naked Women Possibilities:

  • Adds a collection of explicit and realistic skin textures that will be used by the Female Deputy, Mary May, Deputy Hudson and Female NPC models. Updated to v2. Includes the Dirty Feet update. Requires to enable the Female Head fixes package. You should install only one version of included skins.
  • Removes the pants from various shop items in the LOWER BODY section.
  • New! Removes either the pants or both the tops and pants from some of the random female Guns for Hire NPCs found in Hope County. Requires to enable the Female Head fixes package.
  • New! Removes either the pants or both the tops and pants from some of the random female Guns for Hire NPCs found in the Henbane River region. Requires to enable the Female Head fixes package.
  • New! Removes either the pants or both the tops and pants from some of the random rural, female Guns for Hire NPCs found across the map. Requires to enable the Female Head fixes package.
  • New! Removes either the pants or both the tops and pants from some of the random female Guns for Hire NPCs found in the Whitetail Mountains. Requires to enable the Female Head fixes package.
  • Fixes neckline seams on some of the RGFH NPCs, Deputy Hudson, Mary May and the player character. (Still a work in progress). It’s required for the nude packages and some of the RGFH NPC outfits. Updated to v4.
Far Cry 5

Requires Licensed Far Cry 5 version 1.014
ONLY supported version is Licensed 1.014 – for lower cracked it’s not providing any support.

What’s Included:

  1. Bush A Nude Pack
    It’s a collection of explicit and realistic skin textures for the Female Deputy, Mary May, Deputy Hudson and Female NPC characters. Select 1 of 9 versions.
  2. ModInstaller_v4.12
    It’s a Standalone Mod Installer. Use this to install other mods. Credits: Resistance Mod team.
    Added the required Nude Packages by ArmanIII and MadMax.

How to Install Far Cry 5 Naked Women:

  • Make sure you have the licensed latest game version (1.014).
  • Backup your saves.
  • Extract the “FС5_Naked_Women.7z” file into the folder of your choice. There are 2 folders inside: “ModInstaller_v4.12” and “Bush A Nude Pack”.
  • Go to the “Bush A Nude Pack” folder. Select ONLY 1 of the included folders to install.
  • Open the chosen folder and copy the “.a3” file to the “ModifiedFiles” folder in the “ModInstaller_v4.12” directory.
    Note: Don’t place new files in other folders. Otherwise they will be ignored.
Far Cry 5
  • Navigate to the “ModInstaller_v4.12” folder and run the “FC5ModInstaller.exe” application.
  • The Mod Installer will try to find the game directory (mostly if you have Uplay or Steam version), but if it will be unsuccessful, then manually find the installation directory of the game, go to the path: “bin\” and select the file FarCry5.exe. So you specify the working folder to the installer.
  • Wait a little while mods are being loaded by the Mod Installer. Now you need to pick the packages that will be installed into the game.
  • In the sections named “Base packages”, “Bug fixes” and some others, there are packages which are enabled by default. They are required by another mods.
  • Go to the “Marcus69 Mods” category, usually at the top of the list. Pick which of these nude mods you would like to install (see images in gallery). If there are dependencies, select them as well.
    Note: Chosen packages are marked with a yellow frame and ✓. If the selected one is highlighted in red, it means that there is a package conflict, these packages cannot be enabled in the same time. Click on “Toggle conflicts” button and disable the conflicting packages.
Far Cry 5
  • Don’t forget to enable the “Female Head fixes” package required for the nude skins and all the RGFH NPC outfits.
  • Navigate to the “MadMax’s Edits” category. It’s the next after the “Marcus69 Mods” one.
Far Cry 5
  • Enable the packages such as (they are arranged alphabetically):
    • 18+ Nude Female Deputy
    • 18+ Nude Textures
    • 18+ Nude Faith
    • 18+ Nude Hudson
    • 18+ Nude Mary May
Far Cry 5
  • Use the Search Bar to find the following package named “18+ Topless Priestess”. Enter this name without quotes in the Search Box. Activate it.
Far Cry 5
  • Click the “Install” button at the bottom left.
Far Cry 5
  • Run the game. The nude skins can be accessed through the in-game Shop, just equip the FULLY NUDE items in the UPPER and LOWER BODY sections. Enjoy!

In case of problems:

  1. If you want to use the mod, you must have the latest game version 1.014.
  2. If you have your game installed in “Program Files” directory, run the Mod Installer as Administrator.
  3. If you have Windows 7 and the Mod Installer doesn’t want to start, please download KB2533623 for Windows 7.
  4. If the Mod Installer keeps crashing, shutdown all apps like RivaTuner.
  5. If you still have problems with running the Mod Installer, try delete the following folder “C:\Users\\AppData\Local\\FC5ModInstaller”. This is possible bug in .NET Core which can be fixed only by Microsoft.
  6. If you installed the mod and it got reset on second run, please check if Uplay or Steam didn’t verified game files. If so, disable auto updates (Steam).

30/10/2021 The mod pack has been updated:

  • New options:
    • Added the “Henbane RGFH NPC Female outfits V1” mod pack that replaces the outfits of female RGFH NPCs found in the Henbane River region with a lewd version.
    • Added the “Hope County RGFH NPC Female outfits V1” mod pack that modifies either the pants or both the tops and pants from some of the random female Guns for Hire NPCs found in Hope County.
    • Added the “Rural RGFH NPC Female outfits V1” mod pack that removes/modifies the outfits of the random rural, female Guns for Hire NPCs found across the map. 
    • Added the “Whitetail RGFH NPC Female outfits V1” mod pack that replaces the suits of the random female Guns for Hire NPCs found in the Whitetail Mountains with a skimpy/nude version.
    • Added the “Dirty Feet” update in the “Bush A Nude Pack”mod pack.
  • Upgrading:
    • Added the “Female Head fixes” mod V4.
    • Added the “Bush A Nude Pack” mod V2.


  • Added an alternative way to download the mod. Mirror (Rapidgator).

Download & Update the Far Cry 5 Naked Women to the Latest Version:

Make sure to remove old version before updating!

There are two ways to download the mod. Select the preferred one.

FС5 Naked Women
FС5 Naked Women
Version: 1.0
647.2 MB


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15 thoughts on “Far Cry 5 Naked Women”

  1. Do you have Windows 10 installed? How often do you get this error?

    If this is the first time you’ve received this error, try to download the mod once more.

  2. I also have the problem, I tried a lot of time but it just block at 46,5 Mo and then i have a network error, i have windows 10 for the record (it also do it with the naughty gotham mod for batman arkham origins so i think it do it for every mod larger than 46 Mo

  3. Due to the heavy traffic, from time to time some issues may occur with the main method when you download large files. Therefore, we have added an additional way to download the mod for your convenience.

    Both methods work well at this time.

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