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KoAR Reckoning: nude Butterflies

KOAR nude mod butterflies Faeblading


Butterfly nude mod for Kingdoms of Amalur: Reckoning

[vc_accordions container_bg_color=”#fafafa”][vc_accordion_tab title=”How to run”]

When you run [mk_button style=”three-dimension” size=”large” bg_color=”#444444″ txt_color=”#fff” outline_skin=”#444444″ outline_hover_skin=”#fff” icon=”theme-icon-video” url=”” target=”_blank” align=”left” id=”Button ID” margin_bottom=”15″]TexMod[/mk_button]

select the Butterflies mod first, and one of Susanoo13’s mods second, so that the Package Name Box has something like this in it:

Butterflies by MickTB.TPF
Reconing Nude Shaved Shiny Dark.TPF

Highlight the Butterflies package and run the program. This will run the body maps from Susanoo13’s mods, but replacing the skin map with the Butterflies skin.

[/vc_accordion_tab] [vc_accordion_tab title=”Details”]

This nude mod includes a butterfly tattoo above the bottom and another on the pelvis on the female player characters.

It also changes the full upper-face tattoo (farthest right setting) into a light freckle pattern, and changes the hair band available to some player races from brown to gold.

You may notice these changes affecting some NPCs.

[/vc_accordion_tab] [vc_accordion_tab title=”Warning!”]

Note: This skin mod only works when it is run simultaneously with one of Susanoo13’s Nude mods for Kingdoms of Amalur.

[/vc_accordion_tab] [vc_accordion_tab title=”Credits”]

Created by Mick TB

Dependant on (and grateful for) Susanoo13`s nude patch. Download the original for all 16 variants.

[/vc_accordion_tab] [/vc_accordions]


KOAR Nude Mod Butterflies
KOAR Nude Mod Butterflies
11.3 MB
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