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Mass Effect Andromeda Naked Pebee

The mod makes Pelessaria B’Sayle completely naked in in Mass Effect Andromeda. It removes Pebee’s default outfit. The mesh is imported so the nude skin will show up normally everywhere in game. There’s one issue: she has glowing blue hands and feet. Credits: Modlover31.

What’s Included:

  1. FrostyModManager
    Credits: GalaxyMan2015.
    Applies mods and launch your game for you.
  2. Peebee clothing replaced with nude body.fbmod
    Nude textures for Peebee.

How to Install Mass Effect Andromeda Naked Pebee:

  1. Extract the mod’s compressed package anywhere you want.
  2. Open the “FrostyModManager” folder. Launch the “FrostyModManager” application, then select “.exe” file under your game directory.
  3. Click “Import Mod(s)” button, then select the “Peebee clothing replaced with nude body.fbmod” file.
  4. Select this mod in the left area and click “Apply Mods”.
  5. Make sure the mod you want to enable is checked in the right area.
  6. Click “Launch and enjoy!
MEA Naked Pebee
MEA Naked Pebee
Version: 1.0
106.1 MB
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