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Resident Evil Village Naked Karl Heisenberg

Here’s a mod for the charismatic villain of Resident Evil Village – Karl Heisenberg that makes him completely naked and without his sunglasses. Karl enjoys being naked. He got a boner for it. Credits: TrieuPham.

What’s Included

  1. modmanager
    Fluffy Manager 5000 (v2.252 WIP) by FluffyQuack.
    This modmanager lets you install and uninstall mods for various games: Resident Evil Village, Resident Evil Resistance, Resident Evil 3, Resident Evil 2, Devil May Cry 5, and many others. Note: If you have Fluffy Manager, you don’t need install the modmanager again. You can update it to the latest version as necessary.
  2. Naked Karl Heisenberg Erected.rar
    Naked textures for Karl.

How to Install Resident Evil Village Naked Karl Heisenberg

  1. Extract the “RE8_Naked_Karl_and_Modmanager.7z” file anywhere you want.
  2. [OPTIONAL] Before running the modmanager for the first time, ensure all PAK files in your game install are unmodified (to easily do this, right-click the game in Steam and choose “verify file integrity”).
  3. Run the “Modmanager.exe”.
    [OPTIONAL] If you run Fluffy Manager 5000 for first time you should do next:
    • Go to “Choose game” and select “Resident Evil Village”.
    • Click “Define game path” and add the “re8.exe” file under the game directory.
  4. Drag and drop the “Naked Karl Heisenberg Erected.rar” file in RAR format onto the Fluffy Manager 5000 (make sure to have “Resident Evil Village” selected).
  5. To enable Karl’s nude textures, click on the “Mod list” button and select “Naked Karl Heisenberg Erected”. Wait for the application to say in the lower left: “Installed mod: The version of this mod you are using”.
  6. Close Fluffy Manager 5000.
  7. Run the game. Have fun!
RE8 Naked Karl
RE8 Naked Karl
Version: 1.0
74.2 MB
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