This mod replaces the body model with an extra buff high poly nude one in Elden Ring. It also make some other female characters like Hyetta and Roderika become busty. It’s available some skin options. Credits: Soulimaru.
The base body model used in this mod is EBB (extra buff body) by KarbonKitsune.

- Replaces the body model, therefore it clips through any armor that has not been specially adapted.
- Cannot be used online.
- It is not possible to change the skin tone.
3 skin tones
- Default
- Medium dark
- Dark
- UXM tool for enabling this mod.
- .NET Framework 4.7.2 for running UXM (Windows 10 users should already have this).
How to Install Elden Ring Naked Females
- Download .NET Framework 4.7.2 (except Windows 10 users).
- Download the UXM tool. Before running it, you need to fully extract the contents of the “UXM.7z” file anywhere you like. When first starting the UXM app, the default Steam location of Sekiro will be selected, use the “Browse” button to correct it. Go to your “eldenring.exe” game file and select it.
- Then hit the “Unpack” button.
Note: Keep in mind this will increase the storage space the game takes up, which will be about 95.6 GB when “Unpacking is done”.
- Download this mod and unzip the “Elden_Ring_Naked-Females.7z” file anywhere you want. There are 3 folders inside.
- Go to one of three skin folders according to the tone you want to use. Place the “.dcx” files into the “parts” folder: “…\ELDEN RING\Game\mod\parts”. Back up the original game files corresponding to the mod files first in case you want to easily revert.
- Now you need to patch the data. To do it, just click the “Patch” button in the “UXM.exe” application.
- Disable the EAC anti-cheat program:
- Go to the Steam library location where you installed Elden Ring.
- Navigate to “steamapps > ELDEN RING > game”.
- Rename “start_protected_game.exe” to something else. (for example, you can add “_original” to the end of the file name.)
- Make a copy of “elden_ring.exe”.
- Rename this newly made copy to “start_protected_game.exe”.
- Run the game through Steam as normal. Elden Ring should display a notice that offline mode has been activated. You should now be able to enjoy the game without the anti-cheat software running but you won’t be able to participate in online play. Play the game in offline mode and enjoy the mod.
Frequently Asked Questions
Q1: How do you restore the original texture for your player skin if you decide to uninstall this mod?
A1: Always make back ups when modding to easily revert. Or just delete the mod files and unpack again with UXM it will just unpack the missing files.
Q2: Is there a way to know what each file is? I’d like to use this body for NPCs if at all possible.
A2: The bd_ and lg_ files overwrite the underwear and the fc_ files are the body model in different ages and stuff.
Q3: Greetings. Have such a question. Can you play online while using this (with mod engine 2 or in any way)? Also can other players see it?
A3: No to everything, you are modding the files of Elden Ring, EAC will detect this if you attempt to go online and that’s bad for you.
Q4: Is there a reason why i’m not having a jiggly body? I see the nude parts.
A4: Elden Ring doesn’t have breast physics yet. This body was ported from Monster Hunter, where it did jiggle.
Q5: I went via UXM because I play in cracked but the model still the same as before, I have Elden updated and I followed your tutorial perfectly and also did the same as shown in the installation tab. I don’t know if I missed something. Any ideas? I don’t really know what else to do, help pls thank you!
A5: Try patching with UXM after you put the mods in it.
Q6: With this mod does armor adjust to the body size or does the body size just get hidden and reduced by the armors / clothes? Or does it clip bad?
A6: The body clips through the armor.
Q7: Idk what i did wrong but i can’t see it?
A7: Unpack the game with UXM using the guide above. Put “dcx” files in the place they tell you for this mod it’s “parts” folder. Then patch that’s it. Obviously play in an offline mode.
Some key things to take away is make sure that any time you are playing with modded files that you disable easy anti cheat!
Q8: How do I use this Mod when I try to patch with UXM a Warning Message appears. What to do?
A8: You can use the Mod Engine 2 instead of UXM if your game version isn’t cracked. After you install ME2 from github and unzip it, you can find a folder called “mod”, then make a new folder called “parts” in it, put “.dcx” files in this mod into the folder you create, after doing this, double click “launch_eldenring.bat” and enjoy it.