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Here’s a tool that allows you to enable mods for DS3, Elden Ring, DS2, SotFS, Sekiro. UXM unpacks game archives and patches the executable file to load loose ones instead. It requires .NET 4.7.2. Credits: TKGP.

UXM only modifies data within the executable file, not code, so anticheat should have no effect on it. File mods in general have never been grounds for a ban in any of the Souls games, but mods that alter your save may not be safe, so please play offline if using anything dubious.

UXM Possibilities:

  1. The Unpack button will extract all files from the game archives; any files that are already present will be skipped, so if you need to unmodify any file you can simply delete it and unpack again without having to sit through the entire process.
  2. The Patch button will modify the executable to use those extracted files instead of looking in the archives; please note that for Sekiro, most users should use Mod Engine instead of patching. Patching the executable without also unpacking the archives will crash the game, so make sure you do both.
  3. The Restore button will restore the original executable and delete the extracted files, and the Abort button will cancel any operation in progress.
If you’re not a Windows 10 user, first make sure you’ve .NET 4.7.2 installed. It is required for running UXM.

How to Install UXM tool:

  1. Download .NET Framework 4.7.2 (except Windows 10 users).
  2. Download the UXM tool. Before running it, you need to fully extract the contents of the UXM zip file anywhere you like.
  3. When first starting the app, the default Steam location of Sekiro will be selected, use the “Browse” button to correct it. Go to your “.exe” game file and select it. Then hit “Unpack” button.
  4. Done! Now download any nude mod you want to use and enable it with UXM.
Version: 2.4.ER
2.6 MB
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