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Rise of the Tomb Raider Mod Injector

Mod Injector is a tool is intended for easy installation/uninstallation of Rise of the Tomb Raider mods. It includes a basic mod manager and file injector. At the moment, it works only with “v1.0 build 820.0_64”. Credits: alphaZomega.

Rise of the Tomb Raider Mod Injector

Description & Installation

The Rise of the Tomb Raider Mod Injector inserts all types of modded files back into the original game data installed on your hard drive. It replaces the modded textures in the game files, with DX12 compatibility and no need to run a hook. It will keep a record of each file it replaces inside the Tools folder, which it can use to uninstall all mods or restore bigfile.update3.000.000.tiger back to default.


  • InstallMod.bat
    It’s a mod manager for installing RotTR mods. It commands the injector on.
  • ROTTRTigetadd.exe
    This is an injector application that inserts modified files back into the game, forcing it to load them.


  1. Easy installation mods.
    Just drag-and-drop the mod folder onto “InstallMod.bat”.
  2. Uninstalling mods.
     Run “InstallMod.bat” by itself to uninstall all mods.
  3. Deep search” replacement of files.
    Deep search will replace all references to the file in the game with your modded version. It’s important for modifying some textures that will not be replaced when replacing them in your DRM, because the game is loading them elsewhere from some unknown location. This kind of file installation is thorough and results in less instances of the game ignoring the modded files.
    Note: It can take several minutes for one file.
  4.  Installing single-files.
    Install files one at a time by copying the “DRM” archive file that the mod needs to install to as “drmfile.drm” next to InstallMod.bat, then dragging and dropping single-files onto InstallMod. When injecting single-files, you can edit the bat file to have “deepSearch=1” to make it inject using deep search.  
  5. Editing the “InstallMod.bat”.
    You can edit the bat file to change basic options of InstallMod.bat, such as installing single-files with deep search or changing the locations of certain files.
  6. Saving space by redirecting files to other files.
    Instead of having multiple copies of the same texture, you can create txt files for the duplicate textures as “Section [XXXX].txt”. Inside the txt file, put the “Section [XXXX].tr2pcd” name of the real, existing texture that the duplicate asset will be using.
  7.  Speeding up installation process with the “tiger_patch.log” files.
    You can now use the uninstall “tiger_patch.log” files created after files with deep-search to make those files install 1000% faster next time. Place the log file next to the Section [XXXX] file it was created for, named [XXXX].log to enable this feature.

How to install the Rise of the Tomb Raider Mod Injector:

Place the “InstallMod.bat” file and “Tools” folder into your Rise of the Tomb Raider game directory where your “.exe” file is located.

How to use:

Make sure to make a backup of your “bigfile.update3.000.tiger” file. To install mods using the “InstallMod.bat” file by dragging and dropping your mod folder onto it. 


To uninstall all mods, run the “InstallMod.bat” by itself. Press Y to uninstall all mods. Or I recommended Restore the “bigfile.update3.000.tiger” file from your backup.
Note: Don’t delete anything inside the Tools directory.

You can test out the mod injector using the Rise of the Tomb Raider Naked Lara mod.

RotTR Mod Injector
RotTR Mod Injector
Version: 1.4
68.7 KB
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