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Dark Souls 3 Nude Female Skins

Here’s a clothes/armor replacer for females in Dark Souls 3. Available for Master’s Attire and Loincloth. The main mod’s advantage is its easy installation. Through the painstaking work conducted by MadMaxLiS, you can make female characters complete nude without using IGP11 and Cheat Engine use. The only thing you will need is Mod Engine (included in a mod’s package). Credits: MadMaxLiS.



  1. ModEngine-0.1.13
    Credits: Katalash.
    Mod Engine is a an injection DLL library that makes installing mods an incredibly simple process. Gone are the days of having to use UXM or accidentally go online and get banned when you just want to mess around in the game. Mod Engine supports any mod that relies on file edits.
    • File overrides allow you to play any file-based mod without patching the exe.
    • Network blocking prevents the game from ever connecting to the internet while playing mods, so you won’t get banned for offline use of mods.
    • Automatically uses an alternate save file for mods, so your vanilla save file won’t be touched by mods and doesn’t need to be backed up.
  1. parts
    Nude textures for females. Replaces Master’s Attire and Loincloth.

  1. There are two folders inside the mod archive: one called “ModEngine-0.1.13” and the other – “parts”. Navigate to the “ModEngine-0.1.13” folder and simply place the dinput8.dll and modengine.ini files in the Dark Souls III directory (same directory DARK SOULS III.exe is located).
    This will typically be located at C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\DARK SOULS III\Game unless you have steam install somewhere else.
    DISCLAIMER: Mod Engine is designed to be compatible with the latest official Steam version of Dark Souls III. Older versions and cracked versions are not supported and may not work.
  2. Drag the “parts” folder into the “mod” folder in the Dark Souls III directory (create the “mod” folder if it’s not already).
  3. Launch the game. You will see the game attempt to connect to the internet and eventually fail. After it fails, you should go into the settings and set the game to start in offline mode.
  4. Enjoy the mod!

Note: If you want to play a different mod, change the modOverrideDirectory setting to point to a different folder with a different mod.

To uninstall, delete or rename dinput8.dll.

Dark Souls 3 Female Nude Skins
Dark Souls 3 Female Nude Skins
Version: 1.0
18.4 MB
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