- Unpack the patch archive.
- Install REDELBE 2.1 if you haven’t yet.
Installation: open REDELBE 2.1 folder and copy the file “dinput8.dll” and the folder “REDELBE” in the folder where you have the game installed.
For example: “C: \ SteamLibrary \ steamapps \ common \ Dead or Alive 6/ or CODEX version” - Place the Layer2 folder of the mod in the Layer2 folder in REDELBE.
- Run the game.
- Select one of two mod versions:
1. Default costume press “F” to activate the effect.
2. Deluxe costume press “F” to switch. - Enjoy!
Note: At present, the two versions of MOD can’t coexist in Layer 2 mode (that is, 2PMomiji can’t switch to nude when 1PMomiji is naked), coexistence method: use direct display.