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Nude skins for sims 2

This nude skins for sims 2 the censorship lifted and the ladies are anatomically
display correctly.
This nude patch was tested with the German version of Sims 2 Pets.


Nude patch sims 2 v1.9 by Smazene

Hi, Leutz.

This Nude patch the censorship lifted and the ladies are anatomically
display correctly.

This Nude mod was tested with the German version sims 2 pets, should
work but also with all other addons.

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None. There are no files changes Nude patch Helpful Information for the game.

Nude skins for sims 2 installer:

Simply copied the files


in the folder C: \ Documents and Settings \ … \ My Documents \ EA Games \ The Sims 2 \
Downloads. That’s it.

The file quaxi_pets_censor_v1.package is not mine. The thanks goes to Quaxi.

Have fun.

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Nude skins uninstaller:
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Just the above files from the Downloads skins again.

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Q: What is the since everything with it?
A: First, the new uncensore patch that removes the pixelation. Administrator may
for other addons is a separate uncensore needed.
Secondly, the Nude patch that the teens, the Adults and the ladies with   Nipples and pubic area equips.

Q: I can not see anything, all pixelated …
A: Dafor uncensore is the patch with the process of lifting the mosaic in the shower / swimming on.

Q: Is there also shaved “pussy”?
A: Currently not. If interested, mail me.

Nude Skins For Sims 2
Nude Skins For Sims 2
619.9 KB
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