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Nvidia Demo: A New Dawn nude

The new nude mod with a new Dawn fairy naked from Nvidia Demo, Password42 and 🙂



[vc_accordions container_bg_color=”#fafafa”][vc_accordion_tab title=”How to install nude mod”]

You’ll of course need to install Nvidia’s “A New Dawn” demo first:

[mk_button style=”three-dimension” size=”large” bg_color=”#444444″ txt_color=”#fff” outline_skin=”#444444″ outline_hover_skin=”#fff” icon=”theme-icon-video” url=”” target=”_blank” align=”left” id=”Button ID” margin_bottom=”15″]Download Nvidia Dawn Demo[/mk_button]

After it’s installed, you’ll need to unpack the demo.npk archive.
Navigate to the folder where you have A New Dawn installed. This will probably look like:

..\NVIDIA Corporation\NVIDIA Demos\A New Dawn

Once there, extract the “quickbms.exe”, “npk.txt”, and “Unpack.bat” files to that folder and
run the “Unpack.bat” file. You should see a command prompt appear and list the files being extracted.
Once that’s finished, you don’t want the demo to load files from the main archive, you want it to load the extracted files,
so locate the “demo.npk” file and move it to the desktop or somewhere else. If you want you can delete it once you’ve got
everything working, as it’s just a redundant copy at that point.

Once that’s done, you can run the program to check for errors, or move on to the next step:

Extract the “bin” folder from the mod archive to your A New Dawn directory, merging & overwriting as necessary.
Choose either Hairy or Shaved, and extract the “textures” folder within to your A New Dawn directory, merging & overwriting as necessary.
Installation should now be complete![/vc_accordion_tab] [vc_accordion_tab title=”Mod components detailed”]

This mod adds nipples & genitalia to Dawn’s nude skin (interestingly, the bump map for the nipples was already present, just not the color/diffuse).

[The source file in .psd format that I used to make the nude skin is available alongside the mod download.
Please feel free to improve on it and/or make your own skin.]

This mod also adds several new key commands. They are:

A – Enable Dev mode. Press ` to open the console and enter commands. You don’t really need to use this command, but if you want to mess around, the console command “cmdList” may be helpful.
S – Toggle Dawn’s wings on/off.
D – Toggle Dawn’s clothes on/off.
F – Toggle Nvidia logo on/off.

There are also a couple keybinds that shipped with the default demo that may be useful for ya:

Enter – Reset scene to right in front of Dawn. Press Enter right after the game loads to skip directly to Dawn.
Spacebar – Pause/Unpause main animation.[/vc_accordion_tab] [vc_accordion_tab title=”Removal/Uninstallation instructions”]

It’d probably be best to do a full uninstall/reinstall of the demo.
Of course, you could just delete the folders that the quickbms script extracted and put the demo.npk back (if you kept it around) as well.[/vc_accordion_tab] [vc_accordion_tab title=”Terms”] If you don’t want a naked female fairy on your computer screen, WHY DID YOU DOWNLOAD THIS?
NSFW, I disclaim all liability, no warranty provided, etc. Y’all know the drill.[/vc_accordion_tab] [vc_accordion_tab title=”Credits”]

I, Password42, quickly hacked together this mod. The nude skin uses nipples from another mod of mine.

Many thanks to Axsis from Xentax for coming up with the script I used to unpack Nvidia’s .NPK archives.[/vc_accordion_tab] [vc_accordion_tab title=”Troubleshooting”]

If anything doesn’t work, first check that you’ve extracted everything in the correct location. The “keybinds.txt” file should be in the same
folder (i.e. the “bin” folder) as the .exe files like Dawn32.exe.

The Unpack.bat script SHOULD have moved all of the *.txt and *.dat files that were extracted from demo.npk into the “bin” folder.
If for some reason it did not, you’ll need to move them there manually.

If things still don’t work, then post your problem at one of the threads listed below and I’ll attempt to help.[/vc_accordion_tab] [vc_accordion_tab title=”FAQ”]

Q) Can I freely share this mod with other folks, and at other websites?
A) Absolutely! Just be sure you give credit to everyone as indicated in the credits section at the top, and include a link back to at least one of the main
threads listed below. Also, do NOT under any circumstances force users to fill out surveys, pay, or otherwise restrict their free and easy download of the package.

Q) This seems really similar to a mod I saw on a pay-for-access site. What gives?
A) Eh, it likely is my mod, but someone probably stole it, modified it, and uploaded it there without asking.
I don’t really mind, but the mod is freely available from several different sources, so I have no idea how they expect to sell it!
I guess some people are just really stupid and insist on attempting to sell nude mods. No amount of scam-warnings or pleas for sanity will work on such people!

Q) Can I make further modifications/improvements to these mods, and upload them for others to use?
A) Of course! I would even recommend that you upload them to one of the main threads listed below, and if it’s a good-quality mod, I’ll offer to include it in the main package.[/vc_accordion_tab] [/vc_accordions]

Nvidia Demo A New Down Nude Fairy
Nvidia Demo A New Down Nude Fairy
14.6 MB
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6 thoughts on “Nvidia Demo: A New Dawn nude”

  1. Unpacked to temp folder

    I don’t know why but it unpacked to C: app local dawn folder on the root drive. Did a search for the unpacked files, moved them all into the bin folder, followed the rest of the instructions moved the original npk out,…everything works great!!! Thanks this is going to be a great demo at the next trade show.

    thanks for everyones work !!!!!

  2. Hi! Somehow I got this to work on my old PC; but, for some reason it won’t allow me to unpack the demo.npk archive? It may have something to do with Win 10. I was on Win 7 previously. Is there a special program that I need to use to open it with?

  3. So I encountered the same issue others were having with the .NPK not unpacking to the correct location. I’m running Windows 10 Pro 64-bit, and here are the steps on how to fix the issue and get this mod working correctly!

    1. Download and install NVIDIA Demo: A New Dawn.
    2. Download and extract this mod.
    3. Follow the instructions in the mod readme by extracting the three files to your A New Dawn folder, then run the included unpack script. After this is done, you’ll need to either relocate or delete the demo.npk file from this folder.
    4. Here’s where the process will deviate from the instructions in the readme. The .NPK will actually unpack all the necessary files to a hidden folder on your drive. You will need to navigate to this folder to locate and extract the files to the correct folder. The files will be in C:/Users/YOURNAME/AppData/Local/VirtualStore/Program Files (x86)/NVIDIA Corporation/NVIDIA Demos/A New Dawn.
    5. You should see 5 folders and 36 files here. Copy ONLY the 5 folders to your A New Dawn root folder, merging/overwriting as necessary. Then copy ONLY the 36 files (.DAT and .TXT) to the bin folder in your A New Dawn folder.
    6. At this point, you can continue the instructions from the mod readme to complete the installation. Extract the bin folder and your chosen textures folder from the mod folder to your A New Dawn root folder, merging/overwriting as necessary. This is the last step, and you should now have a fully functional demo with the mod installed. Refer to the keybinds detailed in the mod readme to activate the mod! I hope this will help clear up some of the confusion surrounding the installation of this mod. GLHF

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