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Resident Evil 4 Nude Ashley

Ashley Graham left nothing except her shoes on. This mod makes Ashley naked by replacing her normal costume. It’s available for Resident Evil 4 Ultimate HD edition aka 2014 ver, not for the old game 2007 ver. It works in maingame & all extras in Resident Evil 4. Just missing from the cutscenes. Credits: GHOST.

How to Install Resident Evil 4 Nude Ashley

  1. Unpack the “RE4-Ashley-Nude-Mod.7z” anywhere you want.
  2. Go to the “ImagePackHD” folder and copy its files to your original “ImagePackHD” folder of the game.
  3. Navigate to the “Em” folder and put its files into your original “Em” folder.
  4. Place the “Activate Mod.bat” into the “BIO4” folder and run it.
  5. You’re ready. Launch the game and select Ashley’s normal costume.


For anyone having trouble installing this on UHD steam edition

Most often what newcomers will do is simply copy the new modded files into the right directory, but they leave the original file with the “.lfs” extension in place which the game will read instead of the new modded file.

You should note that the original files have an additional extension that the mod files won’t have, that’s because the mod files are uncompressed after being extracted, the original files are compressed files so they need the (.lfs) & (.yz2) extensions, your files don’t.


or BIO4\Em\ directory we have the following two files present:

Em/pl01.udas.lfs (original Ashley model)
Em/pl01.udas (modded Ashley model)

So it is VERY IMPORTANT that when you are moving/copying modded files that you CHECK FOR THE “.lfs” EXTENSION version of the file you are adding. If the “.lfs” version of the file is present in the directory you are adding your modded file to your MOD WILL NOT LOAD, as the LFS version of that file takes loading priority. 

How do we fix this?

Simple. We either delete/move/rename the .lfs version of the file. Example:

We are trying to install a modded version of Ashley so we are dealing with 2 files in the BIO4\Em\ directory:

These files have to be either deleted (not recommended), moved to another folder (backup folder), or renamed. The most common method used is the last one of renaming. If we rename the files to “pl01.udas.lfs.BAK” the game engine will not recognize the “.lfs” version of the file and will instead load the modded file “pl01.udas”. The same principles are applied to many file types we are dealing with in RE4UHD, like for example, “pl11.udas.lfs”, “01000011.pack.yz2.lfs” or “01000001.pack.yz2.lfs”

What “Activate Ashley Mod.bat” does is simply rename the original files, (it adds “.BAK” to the end of each), so they won’t be used. Also the bat file only works if its its in the “BIO4” folder.

You don’t need the “Activate Ashley Mod.bat” file if you rename original files manually. If you prefer to do it manually, rename the two original files in each of the following folders: (Em/), (ImagePack), and (ImagePackHD).

Your 4 mod files go into (Em/) and (ImagePackHD/). They should appear one just above the other because they have the same name plus extensions.


Em/pl01.udas (the modded file)
Em/pl01.udas.lfs.BAK (the original & renamed file). 

NOTE: So as to simplify my life I moved my “.bat” file to the Resident Evil 4/ folder, then edited the “.bat” file to include “BI04” to each of the command lines.

I hope this is helpful to anyone who is having troubles. 

Version: 1.0
2.0 MB

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11 thoughts on “Resident Evil 4 Nude Ashley”

  1. when I decompress the zip file, there’s nothing in the folders to replace, just the previous files “activate” and other, idk if there’s something i’ve missed or what

  2. Thank you for your comment. It’s fixed now. The missing files were added. Please download the updated version.

  3. I installed the files like it said in the readme. But it crashes when I try to enter the church.

  4. I don’t understand what I’m supposed to do with these files at all. I’ve placed the 2 from the ImagePackHD folder from the mod folder where they need to be, and I didn’t have to change their name, as they did not exist in the original game’s ImagePackHD folder. There are files named “01000001.pack.yz2” & “01000011.pack.yz2” in there… they’re .yz2 (whatever that means) files, not .pack files.
    Same in “Em” folder, I have some “pl01.udas.lfs” & “pl11.udas.lfs” files, so “pl01.udas” & “pl11.udas” given in the mod folder don’t overwrite anything…
    Then I run “Activate mod.bat” and it tells me “the specified file could not be found”, and yet after that: “all done successfully”…???
    Do we also need to move the “Activate mod.bat” in our Resident Evil 4 Ultimate HD game folder? And leave it there? Right with the game’s executable maybe?

  5. You need to paste the files on the folder and change the extension. Basically, just add the extension at the end of the original files to the end of the ones on the mod.

  6. We need more info. After loading my game file the game either crashes or freezes on a black screen.

    What Asmodeus asked needs an answer. What exactly are we supposed to do with the activate mod.bat. Where does it go? What folder? Are we supposed to see multiple lines of “…file could not be found.” What should it say so we know it worked?

  7. i replaced files manually. didnt work but maybe its because im on the special costumes. ashely has that returned knight outfit on

  8. Okay folks. I got it to work. It’s really simple. You guys are making it way to complicated.
    1. just manually copy the moded files in to their folders. DON’T change the extension. leave them the way they are.
    2. add .bak to the original files in the game folder.

    that’s it. launch.

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