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The Sims 4 WickedWhims sex mod

Updated to the latest version. Added a new save system (see “Installation>How to use” section).
Have you ever wanted to see what is going under the blankets of your sims? With this mod you can join the dark side in the Sims 4 and enjoy straight/gay sex on a bed, or a sofa, or the floor or outdoors. WickedWhims gives a whole other level of realism with sex autonomy and custom story progression. Credits: TURBODRIVER.

Sims 4


Supports game version Legacy: 1.91.205 (Sep 8), 1.92.145 (Oct 11), 1.93.146 (Nov 22).


  1. SEX
    • Animated Sex
      • Get on a bed, or a sofa, or the floor, or anywhere you want and have fun with your partner(s).
      • Invite more Sims and ask them to join in to create a crazy hot orgy.
      • Download optional animations with support for visual effects and custom props.
      • Tag favorite animations and create your own animations playlists.
      • Switch off any animation type you don’t want to see with the “Dynamic Animations Disabler” option. You can select a sex category, orientation, number of participants, or location category and all animations that fit the criteria will be disabled.
        You can find it under “Wicked -> Settings -> Sex Settings -> Dynamic Animations Disabler and Wicked -> Settings -> Sex Settings -> Autonomy Settings -> Dynamic Autonomy Animations Disabler”.
      • Use the “Any Gender Role” option in sex. It enables the Sim to play both the Male and the Female role in sex at the same time, which is especially useful for same-sex pairs, without altering all Sims behavior in the world via settings. Just click on a Sim and go into Wicked -> Personalization -> Role Assignment -> Gender Role and “Allow Any Gender Role”.
      • Both Gender As Specific Recognition. Swap Sims in same-sex scenarios depending on what you desire to achieve. This means that all BOTH (B) roles in every sex animation will be dynamically replaced with your choice. Activate this option under “Sex Settings -> Gender Settings”.
      • Apply some lubricant for pleasure to increase sex satisfaction. The same effect can be achieved by applying lube to the entire body with the bonus of shiny skin. You can buy the “Wicked Lubricant” item in the Wicked Store.
        Lube will dissolve on its own after a couple of hours or a Sim can take a shower or bath to clean it off. 
      • Get rid of a third wheel. Asking to “Join Sex Dialog” includes the “No, nobody can join in.” option. If you use this response option, it will prevent any further attempts to join from other Sims.
      • Use the “Time Limit & Climax Finish” option. It will make sex end either after an adjustable duration or after a climax sex animation finishes playing. You can find it inthe Player Sex Duration settings.
      • Get more variety with the Town Mascot, Scarecrow, Flower Bunny, and Grim Reaper are available to participate in sex. Their special visuals will stay during the fun. They don’t have any additional “sex instruments” like Servo Sims do. And they don’t participate in sex autonomy, you have to involve them on your own.
      • If you use only teasing sex animations, it’s not result in sex satisfaction moodlets.
      • Enliven Sims dialogues with “Social Context Sex Questions Dialogs” setting.
        Depends on Sims are enemies, friends, strangers or married, a fitting contextually question will be selected from 80 different variants to keep things interesting. And with it, a few answers that provide special effects changing the sex dynamic, outcome, or simply making Sims embarrassed for asking weird things.
        And if for some reason you want to see the old plain “Do you want to have sex?” question, you can go to “Sex Settings -> Autonomy Settings -> Asking for Sex Dialogs Settings” and disable the “Social Context Sex Questions Dialogs” setting.
      • A little more intrigue with a “Make a Move” interaction. The “Have Sex” interaction was reworked into the “Make a Move” option that introduces a possibility for failure, so you will have to put some effort into building the relationship before you can safely attempt it.
      • Stay, fleeting moment! You’re divine! Now you can manipulate time with the the “Slow Down Time During Player Sex” advanced sex setting to have sex for hours but not miss work or other important events. After enabling this advanced setting, all sex that involves playable Sims will radiate sensuality that bends time itself. You can find this setting in “Sex Settings -> Sex Interaction -> Advanced Sex Interaction Settings”.
      • The “Relationship Impact from Sex” setting has to be enabled for the positive/negative sentiments of Sims to show up.
        Sims can acquire the positive sex sentiment if they both had a very positive experience and they haven’t already gained it with anybody else. It’s meant to be rare. And once a Sim has this sentiment, they will get a flirty moodlet when around their sexual partner. In the same way, Sims can acquire the negative sex sentiment if they let down their partner by failing to satisfy them. This one is meant to be rare as well. And once a Sim has this sentiment, they will get an embarrassed moodlet when around their disappointed sexual partner. Both of the sentiments are short-term and only give an hour-long moodlet.
      • Generous Lover Wicked Attribute (Trait). Generous Lovers above all focus on their partner’s sexual experience to ensure they’re satisfied but sometimes at the cost of their own satisfaction.
      • The “Post-Puberty” teen-specific Wicked Attribute (Trait). You can now disable puberty and acne on individual teen Sims with the “Post-Puberty” Wicked Attribute.
      • Enable the “Multiple Sims Start Switch” sex setting to start sex interactions with more than two Sims at once. This should make initiating orgies much easier but at the cost of Sims talking before starting. You can find it at “Sex Settings -> Sex Interaction -> Multiple Sims Start Switch”.
      • Change sex animations with the “Dynamic Sex Duration Padding” sex setting to find the ones you like the most without worrying that the sex interaction will end too soon. You can find this setting at “Sex Settings -> Sex Interaction Settings -> Sex Progression Settings”.
      • You can invite other Sims to watch sex with the “Invite to Watch Sex” sex interaction. Additionally, if an annoying Sim wants to join in but you don’t like the idea of it, you can instead tell them to watch.
      • Use a new universal sex animations menu includes the following options like “Ask to Leave…”, “Move Sex Here”, “Ask to Join…”. For example, you can now make any number of Sims leave an ongoing sex interaction without having to stop the whole thing from happening.
      • The “Hypersexual” lot trait mostly remove sex location restrictions. Allows you to make lots be a better place for sex gatherings or clubs.
      • “Active Player Sim Autonomy” and “Active Player Sim Solo Autonomy” Sex Autonomy Awareness settings let you decide if you want your currently selected Sim to participate in sex autonomy. The “Active Player Sim Solo Autonomy” setting is disabled by default which means that the Sim you’re controlling won’t randomly leave to masturbate.
      • There is an an ability to modify sex animation roles. You can adjust any playing animation roles by Shift+Clicking on the Sims playing the animation and going into “Wicked -> Modify Currently Playing Animation Roles”. Select an animation actor you want to adjust and choose the gender role they should be accepting (this doesn’t modify Sims, only the animation). Your changes will be saved into the personal Sex Animations Overrides system.
      • The “Auto Dress Up After Sex” setting set to half dress up Sims when at public venues unless a Sim is an exhibitionist.
      • Solo Sex Autonomy Configuration Notification when solo sex autonomy occurs for the first time. When Sims just leave to masturbate, a notification will inform you about the possibility of disabling it.
      • Sex Context Tags. With contextual tags, sex gets so much better. Currently, there are over 75 contextual tags that you can pick from. You can start or manipulate sex using the Context interactions by simply clicking on Sims and going into the Sex -> Context pie category. Just take a look at how many there are.
      • “Select Available Sex Contexts” sex setting menu help you find new animations of particular types, themes, or fetishes. It’s an entirely new way of managing sex animations. If you don’t like it, you can disable it in the ‘Sex Context Settings’ menu or you can adjust which contextual tags are displayed so you only see the ones you like.
      • The first person camera during sex is now available. Enter the first person camera view by pressing Shift+Tab.
      • There is “Master Settings” section for quick controls of gameplay features. With “Master Settings” you can enable/disable some of the more pronounced features that appear in the game.
      • Support for the new CAS Sexual Orientation functionality. Sims have to match both the Romantic Attraction and the Interest in WooHoo to agree to have sex. Most of relationship-related features only require matching the Romantic Attraction. Adjusting preference towards Male/Female via Attractiveness will adjust the preferences in CAS.
    •  Wicked Attributes
      • You can now easily select all Sims or specific groups of Sims you want to give “Wicked Attributes”.
      • “Take Away All Sims Wicked Attributes” interaction. Adding Wicked Attributes to all Sims is easy, but removing them from all Sims wasn’t. If you changed your mind you can now fix things using the “Take Away All Sims Wicked Attributes” interaction.
    • “Wicked Store” rabbit hole
      • You’re not longer required to order items and wait for them or buy them through Build/Buy. Just send a Sim to the Wicked Store rabbit hole and bring anything you need, the trip only takes 25 minutes. 
    • Tanning Salon
      • Why is tanning only possible when it’s warm and sunny outside? Just go to a Tanning Salon (the “Go to Tanning Salon” rabbit hole interaction). Requires the “Island Living” expansion pack.
    • Strip Club
      • Gain fun as a client from simply hanging out at the club.
      • Earn money as a strip club employee. You’ll receive an earnings notification after leaving work.
      • Available the playable dancers needs/motives. When playing as a dancer you will now have to deal with the usual needs of a Sim, but their decay is slowed down to not be too distracting.
      • Shoo the loiterer clients to decrease the chance of spawning trash around the club.
      • You can use a Stereo as a valid alternative of the DJ Booth.
      • Gain fun using the dancing pole or dancing spot.
      • You have the “animation_negative_duration_offset” variable for strip club dance animations XML configuration.
      • Pay attention to the “Buy a Strip Club” interaction requires the “Get to Work” expansion pack.
      • Strip Club Quirks and Quirk Points. Now you can earn additional points for your business to activate Strip Club Quirks. Every time a drink is purchased, a bunch of money is thrown at a dancer, a lap dance is finished, a janitor cleans up something or repairs something, a dancer charms a client or kicks out a loiterer client, your business earns points.
      • “Manage Business Quirks” interaction. After clicking the “Manage Business Quirks” interaction on your Sim phone, you will see a new window where you can select which quirks you want to activate or deactivate. Now you have 6 free and 3 paid ones:
        • With “Men’s Club”, “Women’s Club”, and “Only Known Faces” quirks you can adjust who visits your business. This will adjust dynamically depending on the gender preference of your dancers as well.
        • With the “Never/Always Undress Dancers” quirks you can adjust if dancers should always dance naked or never undress.
        • And especially for the dedicated male strip clubs, activating “Erection Affection” will make your dancers always erect while dancing.
        • The “Cheaper Bar Supplies” quirk allows to save some money… but risks making drinker clients a little sick, which might require some extra cleaning after they vomit on the floor. Worth it though, right?
        • The “Rhythm Catcher” quirk makes dancers earn more money, but they do get tired faster from performing to the music so much. Make sure to have a DJ or a Stereo playing for this one to work.
        • The “Less Trashy” quirk removes trash showing up everywhere, but be careful, that sets the standard for a clean establishment really high, and having water puddles, vomit, or dirty glasses around will make clients leave in disgust.
      • Have fun with a “Click-The-Spot” game. If your Sim is dancing as a dancer, you’ll notice a magical floating glowing spot around your character. Just click on this spot. It will decrease your Sim’s tiredness and increase tips.
    • Undressing and Strapon
      • Control Sims outfit during sex by undressing their top, bottom, underwear, or any individual part of their outfit.
      • Use or remove strapon from your Sim when you would like.
      • Sex Strapon Settings settings. The strapons are quickly changed adjustable via a menu in-game that lists them all.
    • Autonomy
      • Use the Sex Autonomy Signs which you can find in Build/Buy to adjust rules of sex per lot or per room.
      • Penis Size Adjustments pie menu category under Anatomy & Clothing lets you change Sims penis length and girth, with the addition of adjusting testicles size and testicles asymmetry. This feature is disabled by default as adjusting size will cause slight geometry clipping and misalignment, but if you’re alright with that then have fun! You can enable Penis Size Manipulation in Nudity Settings -> Body Settings.
      • You never know what’s going to happen. You can encounter Sims having fun by their own will, affected by their interactions, relations, situation, location or personality.
      • You can use the “Maximum Sex Actors Limit” Autonomy Specifics setting if you’re tired of Sims forming huge orgies every time some NPC Sims have sex.
      • Just apply the Hypersexual Lot Trait to any location to increase the base sex autonomy frequency and chance.
      • This mod is supported by complex recognition system of environment structure that picks the best fitting location for sex based on the current most fitting situation.
    • Activities
      • If you’re into watching others, get on in there and watch as much as you like.
      • Use vampire powers to get your Sims into kinky situations.
      • If you want to make your Sim enjoy watching his/her partners have sex with others, you can buy the Cuckold/Cuckquean in the Reward Store.
      • Turn your computer on and watch some hot old porn to release the pressure. Sims usually masturbate to relief sexual tension, can be caught watching porn, and prefer watching porn when performing solo sex autonomy.
    • Reactions
      • React to sex with 16 different flavors of responses based on the mood, traits, relationship, situation or family relations.
      • Get jealous in 6 different flavors from encountering your partner in the act with someone else (respects the Player and Polyamorous traits).
    • Relationships
      • When attempting sexual intercourse, respect Sims relations based on the friendship level and romance level, desire level, mood, moodlets, skills, traits, hygiene, attractiveness, relationship status and current situation.
      • Learn about your sim satisfaction from sex based on his/her relationship, mood, hygiene, energy, traits, skills, moodlets and situation.
      • For easy mode, purchase the Sexually Alluring Reward Store trait make asked Sims always agree to sex propositions.
      • Use the “Talk about Fantasies” romantic interaction. Now it requires less Romance.
      • The amount of Friendship and Romance gained from sex is affected by the satisfaction outcome.
      • To avoid sex, purchase the Sexually Abstinent Reward Store trait to make your Sim never agree to sex propositions.
      • Romance Gender Preference Outcome setting will alter all romance responses to respect gender preference so you will not be confused anymore.
      • Sinister personality archetype is all about doing bad things and making Sims feel bad.
    • TV Porn / Masturbation
      • Watch Porn on TV. It’s ability to watch smut in the comfort of your living room. Sit down on your comfy sofa, turn on your TV, and select a video you want to watch. Just make sure nobody is home when you do this or things can change from relaxing to embarrassing.
      • Masturbation to TV Porn. Sims watching porn on TV can now masturbate to it by simply clicking on them and selecting the “Masturbate to TV Porn” option.
    • NPC Sims
      • Ever wanted to be a true puppet master in Sims 4? Enable the cheat to control any Sim in the game and make them have sex.
    • Celebrity Disguise
      • The Celebrity Disguise prevent Sims sexual satisfaction from being affected by the celebrity status.
    • Clubs (Get Together Expansion)
      • You can create a club that’s all about having sex, or make an alternative variant of it that’s all about swinging.
    • Cum
      • Enjoy cum on Sims’ bodies after sex . You can apply sperm manually during sex wherever you want.
      • Avoid negative (or positive) reactions to cum on your face by cleaning it off in a sink or by showering.
      • Get the Cum Slut Reward Store trait to make your Sim always react to cum positively.
      • Use Multi-Level Cum Layers. The new Multi-Level Cum Layers system comes with 24 unique textures on 8 different body parts! You can apply these manually on Sims, encounter them during sex. Note: If you don’t like the new textures or want to keep using a default override, no worries, just open the Cum Layers Package Selector and switch back to the “Default Classic” package.
      • Use “Cum Levels Selector Switch” setting. With the Cum Layers Package Selector, located under “Sex Settings -> Cum Settings”, you can choose which visual package for cum you want to use.
      • Carry with you Kaya Wipettes and instantly freshen up anywhere you are! The ‘Kaya Wipette” object now offers the function of wiping off cum. Note: remember that Kaya Wipettes are non-flushable.
      • Use shaving and applying cleanser clean off cum.
    • Menstrual Cycle
      • Buy and use tampons and pads to fight against the menstrual bleeding and get the Extra Absorbency Reward Store trait to improve their absorbency.
      • “Normal-To-Long” Menstrual Cycle Duration. For players with a custom life duration that’s between 61 and 244 days of adult life, the Normal-To-Long duration should provide a better experience.
      • Sims can now autonomously apply both a Tampon and a Pad at the same time. If you have Sims that keep both tampons and pads in their inventory and allow them to auto use both, that process is now faster and won’t require two separate interactions.
      • Change tampon/pad on toilets to relieve Sim bladder.
      • Tampon/pad use interactions on toilets is not visible for Sims without a menstrual cycle or when the Menstrual Cycle mode is disabled.
      • For those who want Sims to experience periods, but still prevent pregnancy with Birth Control Pills, disable the “Birth Control Effect on Period” Menstrual Cycle setting to make Birth Control Pills not affect the menstrual cycle PMS/period.
      • Ovulation status moodlet is aimed to balance the menstrual cycle experience, letting Sims know when they are the most fertile, instead of having to check phone apps or debug info.
    • Pregnancy
      • Now Female Sims can experience the magic of a fully-featured Menstrual Cycle with periods and variable fertility. Learn about your fertility by purchasing the Fertility Awareness Test available to use on toilets.
      • Avoid getting pregnant by using condoms and birth control pills.
      • Stop your unwanted pregnancy by using the Pregnancy Termination service.
      • Change the overall pregnancy behavior using two simple switches.
      • Pay attention to the notification about potential pregnancy. Pregnancy can be a big unknown, especially when playing with the Menstrual Cycle. Most of the time the source of the issues is not technical, as it comes from Sims not being fertile, using birth control, being unlucky, or not even allowed to become pregnant. The only other common problem is no more space in the household for a baby, which will now show up as a notification informing you about it.
      • Consider going through the Fertility Treatment service to improve your chances of getting pregnant.
      • Optionally switch to the Simple Pregnancy Mode and use flat percentage chances for pregnancy.
      • The “Decreased (Very Low)” Menstrual Cycle Fertility Level. Try the “Decreased” level option to significantly reduce a chance of Sims getting pregnant using the Menstrual Cycle.
      • “Ask to Stop Using Birth Control” social interaction allows for pregnancy to occur without adjusting any technical settings. Sims that agree to stop using Birth Control will stop automatically taking birth control pills and using condoms during sex.
    • Diseases
      • Contract, spread, and medicate Crabs (pubic lice). Crabs are typically contracted through sexual intercourse with infected Sims or from sleeping in infested beds of other non-household Sims. By default, 18% of the, mostly single, adult population is a potential source of Crab Lice. Once a Sim has any contact with Crab Lice, the parasites begin to acclimate to your body. Pubic Lice do not voluntarily leave, so proper treatment with specialized medication is required.
      • Purchasing the “Crabs Immune” reward trait will now clear crabs from the Sim.
    • Naked Body, Penis & Hair
      • Fully detailed naked body for all genders.
      • Dynamically growing pubic hair.
      • The “Trim Pubic Hair” interaction. Make keeping Sims pubic hair neat and stylized at all times with this option. It’s available directly on the mirror.
      • Use Genitals Personalization interactions. Adjusting Sim genitals state in CAS was unnecessarily slow due to going through loading screens just to change one setting. This functionality is now available under Wicked -> Personalization -> Anatomy -> Genitals, and changing it is instant. Your game will continue working as usual with these new traits and you no longer need to, or can, change Sim genitals in CAS. Newly created Sims will still have their genitals determined by the Toilet Standing/Sitting Gender Setting, so you can continue to create Sims the same way you already do.
    • Undressing & Nudity
      • Take it all off at once or one by one – top, bottom, shoes, and underwear.
      • Take the special outfits off like climbing gear, festival shirts or Batuu mission costumes. Previously these clothes would be always visible on the Sim body without any way of undressing them.
      • Apply the “Nudist” Lot Trait to any location and removes all undressing restrictions.
      • The “Undress All Accessories” to Instant Undress during sex. With the “Undress All Accessories” interaction, all accessories will be undressed together to make things easier.
      • Talk about nudity, convincing to nudity and converting to exhibitionism, or simply asking to undress… or dress up at will.
      • Affect other Sims with Vampire powers and get them naked in an instant.
      • Use the Nudity Autonomy Signs available in Build/Buy to adjust rules of undressing per room or per lot.
      • You have support for makeup/outfit color sliders. Color sliders are now fully supported for all undressing functions.
      • The “ww.get_hard” command can take the “condom” argument.
    • Naturism
      • Discover the skill of Naturism by undressing and learn how to be comfortable and happy naked around others.
      • Get a bonus to hygiene when performing tasks naked.
      • The “Everyone But Nudity Enthusiasts” door lock. This way entire buildings or specific areas can be made exclusively for nudity lovers.
    • Exhibitionism
      • Unlock the Exhibitionism skill by leveling up Naturism and purchasing the Exhibitionism Store Reward trait.
      • Get the ability to flash others Sims, streak at any moment, or pee at any spot you want.
      • Nudity Enthusiast Wicked Attribute. Make your Sim into a nudity enthusiast. If you’re not happy with Sims automatically receiving the “Nudity Enthusiast” trait with this update, you can use the “ww.remove_global_nudity_trait” command which will remove the trait and reset the Naturism skill from all Sims in the game. This will not affect Sims with the “Exhibitionist” trait.
    • Underwear
      • Remove underwear per Sim, disable underwear for everybody in setting, or purchase the “No Underwear” Reward Store trait to get rid of extra layers of clothing.
      • Change Sim’s underwear for any base outfit.
      • Pose Packs Support can be posed with access to outfit, camera, and positioning features that are already in place.
    • Window Peeping
      • Peep into any window to watch naked Sims or Sims having fun.
      • You can take pictures of naked Sims and sell them online.
      • Be ready to encounter peeping Sims living in your neighborhood and trying to catch you naked.
    • Clubs (Get Together Expansion)
      • Create the “Embrace Nudity” club or the “Flash” club.
    • “Naked in Onsen Hot Springs” Nudity Occurrence setting
      • If you want to assure that Onsen Hot Springs always follow the traditionally nude way of bathing, this setting will help you with that. Still, remember that this won’t apply to Sims that aren’t Nudity Enthusiasts (or with the All Sims are Nudity Enthusiasts setting enabled).
    • Attractiveness
      • Learn what others Sims are into and try to impress them with your looks.
      • Remember that you live in a world where every Sim has their own style and preferences that affect everybody else.
      • You have to refine your own style and define your own preferences.
      • Be ready to encounter storytelling situations that make your Sims heart beat faster.
      • Now you have “Attractiveness Frozen World View” as the new default behavior.
        Frozen? World View? What does this mean? In short, Sims perspective on how attractive something is depended on how commonly it appears in the world. As new Sims are generated in your world, they affect how common certain clothing, body shapes, and other attractive elements are, by introducing more of them to the world. Because something is very common, it becomes less special and loses its attractiveness appeal. This is why some Sims change their opinion on how attractive another Sim is because the world is shaping them this way.
        So what happens when the World View is Frozen? Your current world view gets frozen and persists to the end of time, preventing Sims attractiveness opinion of others to change because of the continuously growing world population. Still, Sims attractiveness views will change if their clothing, body or other details change, or their preferences change. Attractiveness still works exactly the same as before except it doesn’t unpredictably alter things behind your back.
        Don’t like that change? Want to keep the dynamic World View? Easy, go to Wicked Settings -> Relationship Settings -> Attractiveness Settings -> Advanced Attractiveness Settings and enable the Attractiveness Dynamic World View setting.
      • Adjust Sims Attractiveness Preferences in CAS using the Likes & Dislikes interface. It is available in Simple Attractiveness.
        Your selections in CAS Attractiveness will automatically synchronize with in-game Attractiveness choices. CAS choices take priority and will always take precedence over your in-game choices.
        Note that because choices in CAS take precedence, changing a preference of something in-game that is an established choice in CAS will not work and that change will be overridden by the CAS selection. Not selecting anything in CAS will not remove your choices in-game.
      • “Generator Mode” is now “Strength” as that is its purpose, to make the developed attractiveness matter more or less. Developing Attractiveness is based on Romantic Partners available for Promised pairs.
      • “Attractiveness Social Attraction” setting. Similar to sex body attraction moodlets, Sims will react to the attractive body of their conversation partner. This will give your played Sim an idea if they like what they see and you the idea if you want to see them together. These moodlets do not always appear during a conversation and stop showing up once a certain level of friendship or romance is reached. Note: If you don’t like these moodlets showing up during conversations, disable them by going into Relationship Settings -> Attractiveness Settings and uncheck the Attractiveness Social Attraction Switch setting.
      • Body attraction sex moodlets. And here are the first contextual moodlets to try out! Sims during sex will react to their sex partner’s body. If they are really into their partner’s cute butt, large breasts, or impressive muscles, they will gain these contextual moodlets to indicate how much they are enjoying it.
      • All moodlets that are relevant to sex will now be easily visible and recognizable, meanwhile, all other moodlets aren’t as important at the moment so they become hidden. This will allow adding more story-telling or contextual moodlets without making things look cluttered. And if you want to keep the original mood, you can still disable this feature in Sex Settings -> Sex Interaction -> Advanced Sex Interaction Settings -> Sex Mood Switch.
    • Impressions
      • Learn Sims personality archetypes and share your unique view on the world or you can fake your personality to make others like you more or risk looking like a poser.
      • Use your new special social interactions to voice your personality preference.
    • Desire
      • You can always make the atmosphere hot and heavy by flirting and getting naked.
      • Get Sims ready for positive lewd time by increasing desire.
    • Polygamy Relationships
      • You can have multiple spouses or romantic partners at the same time.
      • Buy the Polyamorous Reward Store trait to open up your Sim’s view on multiple romantic partners and avoid unwanted jealousy.
      • Get multiple Sims to “Stay the Night” at the same time.
      • Use possibility to disable jealousy in the entire game at will.


How to install the Sims 4 WickedWhims sex mod:

  • Extract with 7Zip archiver or another similar program such as:
  • Place the “WickedWhimsMod” folder from the archive in the Sims 4 “Mods” folder (\Documents\Electronic Arts\The Sims 4\Mods).
  • If the file “Resource.cfg” is missing, turn the game on, exit and go back to the same folder.
  • Launch the game and open the “Game Options“.
  • Navigate to the “Other” tab and tick the settings “Enable Custom Content and Mods” and “Script Mods Allowed“, then click “Apply Changes“.
  • Last, turn the game off and back on to save this configuration.
    Note that every time the game will get an official update, you will need to repeat all this process.
  • That’s all. You’re ready to play!

How to use

You can initiate sex by clicking on sex locations in Sims 4 like beds or the ground. 

After selecting a sex location and picking a sex category you get the ability to decide about a partner that will be asked for sex. Potential partners for sex have to be around the actively played Sim.

During sex action, you can change your position and invite more partners by clicking on the Sims in sex as well as change the sex location by clicking on locations around.

For example, if you want getting threesomes to work, initiate sex with your partner, and then click on your active sim, under Wicked, if there are sims nearby that can do your animations, “ask to join in” should be an option.

Actively selected Sim can swap spots with other partners in sex if it’s possible by clicking on them.

You can stop sex at any point by simply canceling the sex interaction in Sims actions queue.

Don’t want specific objects or Sims to be a part of the sex autonomy? No problem, you can tone down the sex interactions. Just turn off the sex autonomy.

New save system

  1. All of your current WickedWhims save data will be automatically converted to the new system. You can just continue playing.
  2. The new save system is not compatible with previous releases, so once you install this release and save your game, you cannot go back to the previous releases without loss of WickedWhims save data.
  3. Make sure to save during gameplay, due to a game bug, avoid saving on the Manage Worlds screen to have the best game consistency.

The save system is now completely integrated with the base game format, following standard conventions and solutions which assure stability and reliability. No more weird hidden households or do_not_remove Sims.

Due to a game bug, make sure to save when in gameplay, as saving at the Manage Worlds screen can cause small issues with loading custom mod save data.

Majority of the save data is now handled by base game formats, but some complex data is saved externally in the ‘complex_save_data’ folder, make sure to never delete it. You’re free to delete the ‘save_data_backup’ folder once you decide to stay with this release.

WARNING! Saving the game with this new save system will prevent that save from downgrading, so make sure to save on a new save slot before beginning to play.

Most of your existing save data should be automatically converted to the new save format. Notable exceptions are disabled sex locations and selected strapons on Sims. Sorry about the inconvenience, some data is now stored in a whole new way and the author had no safe way to convert it.

Common Mistakes

The most common issues with mod are caused by:

Wrong files structure

You need to stick to extremely strict files structure. Don’t place the “WickedWhimsMod” folder in the additional folders, the game can’t find the files in them.
Putting mod files into too many folders will cause the game to not find them. If the files are just two folders deep, you need to fix that! Keep WickedWhims files directly in the Mods folder! The limit is one folder deep

For MacOS users:

How to know if you did it right?

  • Launch the game.
  • Open the “Game Options“.
  • Open the “Other” settings menu.
  • Click the “View Custom Content“.

If you don’t see either the “TURBODRIVER_WickedWhims_Tuning” entry under “Custom Content” or the “TURBODRIVER_WickedWhims_Scripts” entry under the “Script Mods” – You Did It Wrong!

Auto-disabled mods after updates

Your mods will be disabled after the game’s updates, and you should enable them manually.

How to do it:

  • Launch the game and open Game Options.
  • Enable mods and apply changes.
    Navigate to the “Other” tab and tick the settings “Enable Custom Content and Mods” and “Script Mods Allowed“, then click “Apply Changes“.
  • Turn off the game.
  • Open the game again.

Not extracted mod’s archive

The “The_Sims4_WickedWhims_v170k.7z” archive has to be extracted or the mod will not work.

The game only accepts PACKAGE and TS4SCRIPT files. If you put any other files into the “Mods” folder, nothing will happen.
To extract archives you need an Archive Manager. If your system doesn’t provide one by default, try one of them:

Wrong deleting old files

Not removing all files when updating, but just overriding them, will lead you to doom.


Keeping multiple versions of a mod intentionally or by mistake will cause problems (like missing text).

 If your mods folder is a mess, you probably have the same mod installed multiple times. Having WickedWhims installed multiple times or keeping old files is a huge mistake. Remove EVERYTHING related to WickedWhims and install it fresh.

 If the tongue or penis is appearing floating/stretched/distorted (even when Sim is not having sex) then you need to delete incompatible/outdated mods affecting tongues and/or penises.

Here’s a list of known PACKAGE files causing issues:

NANDONG_yfHead Default Replacement without EA Eyelash.package
NANDONG_ymHead Default Replacement without EA Eyelash.package


2023/01/03 Updated to version 174b

  • Fixed Sex Stamina missing when loading into a save.
  • Fixed mermaids tail breaking for Sims with a penis.
  • Fixed Sims height sliders reverting when saving with running sex.
  • Added Auto Fix button for zeroed save warning notification.
  • Reworked the save system completely.
  • Introduced Settings Profiles.
  • Added “Sexual Stamina” motive during sex.
  • Added “Sexual Stamina Motive Switch” Advanced Sex Interaction Setting.
  • Added “Discreet Sex Mode” setting.
  • Added “New” option when selecting sex animations.
  • [Get Famous] Sims now gain negative reputation when encountered during sex in a negative context.
  • [Discover University] Sims can now have sex with their professor to improve their grades.
  • [Seasons] Added “Sexual Openness” tradition.
  • [Realm of Magic] Added “Promiscuoso” Untamed spell to make Sims crazy about sex.
  • Added support for “Asking for Sex” when sitting down.
  • Added “Always Accept Sex Watching” sex cheat.
  • Fixed managing playlists and disabling animations sometimes opening the incorrect window.
  • Fixed the “WooHoo with …” Want not completing with sex.
  • Fixed using lube decreasing quantity from all objects in the stack.
  • Fixed tongues sometimes missing from sex animations.
  • Fixed sex locations not being reserved during sex.
  • Reworked how interactions are blocked during sex.
  • Made some hireable services cheaper through nudity and sex.
  • Introduced Sex Party Social Event.
  • Added 5 Sex Party Behaviors (Regular, Swingers, Watchers, Impregnation, Masturbation).
  • Added an ability to Allow/Disallow Joining to Sex.
  • Added “Casual Sex Partners” relationship type.
  • Added “Become Casual Sex Partners” social interaction.
  • Added booty calls with multiple unique phone messages.
  • Added lewd dreams about other Sims.
  • Added “Morning Wood / Morning Dew” moodlets.
  • Added “Lewd Dreaming Switch” setting to Relationship Settings.
  • Added “Sex Autonomy Probability” interactions.
  • Removed “Sex Animations Memory” and “Sex Locations Memory” functionality.
  • Added “Display Sex Autonomy Room Info” debug interaction.
  • Improved sex autonomy environment detection.
  • Added “object_material_state” and “prop_material_state” variables.
  • Added “GEOMETRY_STATE” and “MATERIAL_STATE” event types.
  • Made all events not end immediately by default.
  • Fixed Sims on period leaking even when pad/tampon is being used.
  • Fixed birth control compatibility with WooHoo/TFB interactions.
  • Updated male body bottom.
  • [Get Famous] Sims now gain negative reputation when seen naked/peeping/peeing in a negative context.
  • [Seasons] Added ‘Embrace Nudity’ tradition.
  • [Realm of Magic] Added ‘Nudellio’ Untamed spell to introduce Sims to Naturism and get naked.
  • Added an ability to undress clothing with multiple undressing stages.
  • Expanded body choices for mixed genders.
  • Added automatic body detail overlays for revealing clothing.
  • Added texture-less variants of default female top and bottom nude model.
  • Reworked the underwear implementation.
  • Added tapping on the window for attention.
  • Made inviting and teasing grayed out with a reason when not available.
  • Window Peeping now increases the Mischief skill.
  • Fixed invited peeping Sims displaying a sex question.
  • Fixed invited peeping Sims displaying the goodbye message when leaving.
  • Added Creep NPC Sims.
  • Added Creep NPC Settings.
  • Added support for the Loyal trait.
  • Fixed “Fear of Being Cheated On” appearing when jealousy is disabled.
  • Added “Eternally Faithful” Wicked Attribute (trait).
  • Added the “Socially Avoidant” Wicked Attribute (trait).
  • Reworked, Rebalanced, and Simplified Attractiveness.
  • Added Strong Attractiveness.
  • Added the ability to “Split Preferences Per Male & Female”.
  • Added “Attractiveness Blacklisted” Wicked Attribute (trait).
  • Fixed Unflirty and Sexually Abstinent Sims giving Suggestive Looks.
  • Added “Impressions Hints Switch” setting back.
  • Added support for personality traits made by Chingyu, Kuttoe, and Kiara.
  • Fixed Impressions preventing social group context from displaying.
  • Added the Wicked Notebook (Wicked Memories).
  • Added Sims Protocols for altering Sims sex, nudity, relationship, and other behavior.
  • Improved overall performance and loading times.

2022/08/27 Updated to version 170k

  • Compatibility with the 1.90.358 game patch.
  • Made Strip Club bartending employees avoid trying to prepare drinks with special crafting requirements.
  • Made the ‘Ovulation’ moodlet not alter Sim mood.
  • Fixed peeping through windows sometimes not uncovering the indoors.
  • Fixed Sims using the wrong genital animation during various masturbation interactions.
  • Fixed Sexpertise books not supporting retail shelves.
  • Improved default female body bottom visuals.
  • Made Sims use the original feet models by default again.
  • Fixed Sims sometimes not dressing up when leaving the lot.
  • Fixed Sim tongue appearing with a layer of snow when outdoors.
  • Fixed issues with supporting special case female body bottom.
  • Fixed custom werewolf body parts not staying on Sims.
  • Fixed rare errors when loading Sims using custom content body parts.
  • Fixed Sims refusing sex sometimes resulting in an error.
  • Fixed clicking on draggable objects sometimes causing errors.
  • Made Sims display a refusal thought bubble when rejecting romancing Sims due to gender preference.
  • Made player asking for sex respect the “Romance Gender Preference Outcome” relationship setting.
  • Updated the phone icons to match the new style.
  • Added support for the new CAS Sexual Orientation functionality.
  • Removed custom whims.
  • Made High School and Auditorium venues excluded from sex and nudity autonomy.
  • Made shaving and applying cleanser clean off cum.
  • Made “Crush” sentiment require at least Attractive level of Attractiveness.
  • Updated Impressions to support new traits and social interactions.
  • Added support for watching porn on dual monitor computers.
  • Added “Post-Puberty” teen-specific Wicked Attribute (trait).
  • Excluded Teen Sims from any sexual interactivity.
  • Fixed an error when opening Strip Club Employees menu.
  • Added a workaround to prevent the save rollback issue.
  • Added “animation_has_visible_tongue” sex animation actor variable.
  • Updated Pubic Hair growth rates for the current age spans.
  • Improved detection of sex that can initiate pregnancy.
  • Improved detection of jealousy.
  • Fixed Sex Autonomy not recognizing that objects are placed on Coffee Tables, Accent Tables, and TV Stands.
  • Fixed some objects in the High School Years world causing errors.
  • Fixed certain interactions not being restricted when using the Pose feature.
  • Fixed the “Wicked Wall Sex Marker” not showing up in Build/Buy under Custom Content.
  • Fixed starting sex with “Multiple Sims Start” enabled sometimes not displaying refusal messages.

2022/05/25 Updated to version 170f

  • Compatibility with the 1.89.214 game patch.
  • Added preliminary support for the Werewolves Game Pack.
  • Introduced new male and female body with animated anus and vagina.
  • Added the “Penis Size Manipulation Switch” setting.
  • Added Penis Size Adjustments pie menu category under Anatomy & Clothing.
  • Replaced the tongue model.
  • Added “Watch Porn” on TV.
  • Added dynamic on-demand TV porn videos.
  • Added unique reaction to being caught watching TV porn.
  • Added masturbation to TV Porn.
  • Added autonomous TV Porn masturbation.
  • Reworked the Strapon implementation.
  • Replaced the CAS Strapon screen with an in-game menu.
  • Added “Sex Strapon Settings” settings.
  • Added a setting to set the default global strapon Sims will use.
  • Added an interaction to Equip/Unequip Strapon during sex.
  • Added an interaction to allow Auto Equipping/Unequipping Strapon during sex.
  • Added “Ovulation” status moodlet.
  • Fixed newly created premade peeping Sims participating in the Neighborhood Stories System.
  • Simplified and rebalanced the Impressions feature.
  • Removed the ability to fake personality.
  • Replaced the “Greedy” personality with the “Sinister” personality.
  • Added “Romance Gender Preference Outcome” setting.
  • Added support for poses.
  • Added “WickedWhims Secrets” tutorials.
  • Updated text to support custom pronouns.
  • Fixed issues with the animated vagina mesh not being used.
  • Fixed Sims no longer joining autonomously to sex after anybody joins.
  • Improved female body model backward compatibility.
  • Made Sims use high resolution feet models by default.
  • Fixed the game using female feet on male Sims.
  • Fixed female werewolf body being unintentionally altered.
  • Made werewolves not wear underwear.
  • Improved sex animations backward compatibility.
  • Made overused pads/tampons only affect Sims with low hygiene.
  • Fixed issues with penis size manipulation on occult Sims.
  • Fixed Servo Sims penis appearing deformed.
  • Fixed Sims not using condoms with the “Condom Auto Remove for Non-Pregnancy Sex” setting disabled.
  • Fixed Servo Sims not displaying a face during sex.
  • Fixed tongues being visible in reflections of vampire Sims.
  • Fixed female Sims wearing a bra instead of being nude in CAS.
  • Fixed “Watch Porn” interaction appearing on game consoles.
  • Fixed height sliders not reverting after sex.
  • Fixed Wicked Attributes appearing as aspiration traits in CAS.

2022/05/25 Updated to version 169b

  • Added “Master Settings” section for quick controls of gameplay features.
  • Added “Take Away All Sims Wicked Attributes” interaction.
  • Added “Sex” mood.
  • Made moodlets relevant to sex primarily visible during sex.
  • Added body attraction sex moodlets.
  • Improved smoothness of the sex interaction.
  • Fixed first person camera during the sex interaction.
  • Made the “Hypersexual” lot trait mostly remove sex location restrictions.
  • Added “Undress All Accessories” to Instant Undress during sex.
  • Added Solo Sex Autonomy Configuration Notification when solo sex autonomy occurs for the first time.
  • Added “Active Player Sim Autonomy” and “Active Player Sim Solo Autonomy” Sex Autonomy Awareness settings.
  • Made the “Auto Dress Up After Sex” setting set to half still dress up Sims when at public venues unless a Sim is an exhibitionist
  • Improved consistency of the watching sex interaction
  • Fixed asking to join sex not displaying refusal reasons between NPC Sims.
  • Introduced Sex Context Tags.
  • Added “Display Sex Context Interactions” sex setting.
  • Added “Select Available Sex Contexts” sex setting menu.
  • Added an ability to modify sex animation tags.
  • Added an ability to modify sex animation roles.
  • Added “UNDRESS” event type.
  • Added “PULLED_OUT” actor tag.
  • Provided the possibility to specify the “cum_layer_level” value in sex animations cum event.
  • Introduced Multi-Level Cum Layers.
  • Added “Cum Layers Package Selector” menu.
  • Added “Cum Levels Selector Switch” setting.
  • Provided the function of wiping off cum for the “Kaya Wipette” object.
  • Added a possibility to purchase the “Crabs Immune” reward trait that allows to clear crabs from the Sim.
  • Added “Ask to Stop Using Birth Control” social interaction.
  • Provided the possibility to autonomously apply both a Tampon and a Pad at the same time.
  • Added Genitals Personalization interactions.
  • Removed “Does this Sim have a penis?” CAS Gender Setting.
  • Improved Clothing Optional lot trait support.
  • Updated the “ww.get_hard” command that can now target other Sims.
  • Improved consistency of dancing pole/spot interactions.
  • Provided the possibility to show off a nude body while somebody is peeping on your Sim.
  • Fixed peeping Sims getting stuck when trying to use an umbrella.
  • Added body attraction social moodlets.
  • Added “Attractiveness Social Attraction” setting.
  • Moved external backup custom save data to the “save_data_backup” folder.
  • Fixed “Multiple Sims Start Switch” not working with playlists.
  • Fixed bisexual Sims always not being interested in watching sex.
  • Fixed strapon appearing on Sims when it is unnecessary.
  • Fixed Sims not wanting to undress on “Casual Nudity” and “Nudist Hangout” lots.
  • Fixed the “ww.fix” command causing a crash in very big worlds.
  • Decreased save data size on disk.

2022/01/21 Updated to version 167d

  • Asking to have sex now matches the base game checks for gender preference compatibility.
  • Fixed asking to join sex not working if no Anal sex animations are available.
  • Fixed ‘Make a Move’ not considering outdoor locations properly.
  • Fixed testing for accessibility to beds and hot tubs not working.
  • Fixed Sims watching sex interrupting themselves by reacting to sex.
  • Fixed conflicting traits disappearing from the list instead of showing up unavailable.
  • Fixed Body Selector feet not showing up during massage interactions.
  • Added “Create Window Peeping Premade NPC Sims” setting.

2021/12/26 Updated to version 167c

  • Fixed issues with the save system.
  • Fixed joining to sex and moving sex not working.
  • Made all custom reactions come with a balloon category icon.
  • Improved consistency of custom reactions.
  • Sims selecting menus now come with the option to pre-select all Servo or Ghost Sims.
  • Rewritten Fatal Error notifications to provide more information.
  • Added “Generous Lover” Wicked Attribute (Trait).
  • Added “Multiple Sims Start Switch” sex setting.
  • Added the ability to “Leave” sex without ending it.
  • Made joining sex and inviting to ongoing sex cleaner.
  • Made moving sex to a new location cleaner.
  • Added tooltip with the name of the next animation to the “Next” interaction in sex.
  • Added “Dynamic Sex Duration Padding” sex setting.
  • Rewritten all Code 19 sex popup messages to provide more information.
  • Added “Invite to Watch Sex” sex interaction.
  • Sims asking to join can now be instead told to watch.
  • Sims will now consider watching sex when they encounter it in the wild.
  • Added “Naked in Onsen Hot Springs” Nudity Occurrence setting.
  • Fixed reacting to nudity interrupting Sims tasks way too much.
  • Fixed using Default “Complete Undressing Type” setting breaking complete undressing.

2021/12/13 Updated to version 166f

  • Assured compatibility with the 1.82.99 game patch.
  • Fixed and reworked the integrated save system for improved stability.

2021/11/25 Updated to version 166e

  • Added a feedback failure notification when using the “Make a Move” interaction.
  • Fixed Sims using objects with cluttered surfaces for sex autonomy.
  • Fixed roommate Sims being recognized as visitors.
  • Fixed traveling with Sims that are having sex getting stuck after loading.
  • Fixed sex animations props handling inconsistency.
  • Improved sex satisfaction moodlets distribution.
  • Fixed Sims not using birth control pills to prevent pregnancy.
  • Fixed “On a Dark Ley Line” lot trait not affecting pregnancy from sex.
  • Adjusted Strip Club dancers tips amounts required to undress.
  • Adjusted order of Strip Club phone interactions.
  • Fixed Sims gender preference not updating on game load.
  • Made Wicked Attributes Personalization interactions available through the Relationships Panel.
  • Made the Sim Statistics interaction available through the Relationships Panel.
  • Removed custom statistics from the Sim Stats window.

2021/10/18 Updated to version 166c

  1. Extended the number of satisfaction moodlets that can be awarded after sex.
  2. Fixed sex breaking when no additional animations are installed.
  3. Fixed Sims reacting to nudity privacy with some objects when not supposed to.
  4. Improved precision of windows height detection for window peeping.
  5. Improved randomization of wicked attributes behavior.

2021/10/13 Updated to version 166b

  • Made Sims participating in yoga and meditation classes not react to nudity.
  • Fixed Strip Club dances sometimes appearing misaligned.
  • Fixed window peeping Sims sometimes causing an error when visiting.
  • Fixed using public bathrooms to change pads or tampons not working.
  • Fixed text missing in the Dynamic Animations Disabler.
  • Fixed incorrect text in a Pubic Hair interaction.

2021/09/10 Updated to version 166a

  • Added a new option that allows easy choosing all Sims or specific groups of Sims you want to give Wicked Attributes.
  • Added the “Social Context Sex Questions Dialogs” setting.
    Tired of constantly seeing the same “Do you want to have sex?” message? It’s no longer there!
    “Social Context Sex Questions” recognize Sims relationship status and pick from 80 different question variants to keep things interesting.
  • The “Have Sex” interaction was transformed into the “Make a Move” option.
    It introduces a possibility for failure, so you will have to put some effort into building the relationship before you can safely attempt it.
    Initially the “Have Sex” interaction was created to mirror the “WooHoo” interaction, indicating that Sims can simply have sex. This didn’t leave a lot of intrigue for the player, giving you a straight answer when the possibility is available.
  • Added the “Slow Down Time During Player Sex” advanced sex setting.
    Now you can manipulate time to have sex for hours but not missing important events. Everything in the game will run at half the speed (unless you’re using double or triple time speed) until the sex interaction ends.
  • Added the “Relationship Impact from Sex” setting.
    Satisfying and Unsatisfying sex can now come with Sentiments! If you enable the “Relationship Impact from Sex” setting, Sims can acquire the positive/negative sex sentiments.
  • Added the “Dynamic Animations Disabler” option.
  • Added the “Dynamic Autonomy Animations Disabler” ability.
    If you enable the “Dynamic Autonomy Animations Disabler” option and choose a sex category, orientation, number of participants, or location category, all animations that fit the criteria will be disabled.
  • Added the “Both” Gender As Specific Recognition” setting.
    Altering this setting allows you to introduce a consistent choice of Sims roles in same-sex animations. So all BOTH (B) roles in every sex animation can be dynamically replaced depending on what you desire to achieve.
    Location: under Sex Settings -> Gender Settings.
  • All animations of the currently playing author will now display on the top of the list when changing animations.
  • Added an unified alphabetical ordering of animation authors.
    When you’re trying out new animations by an author you like but they are at the bottom of the animations list, it can get pretty annoying scrolling down every time you open the menu. From now on, the currently used animation author will always show up at the top of the list so you can easily continue using their animations.
  • Sex Initiation Setting set to “Instant” no longer requires enabling “Always Accept”.
  • Added the “Decreased (Very Low)” Menstrual Cycle Fertility Level.
    If you need an even lower chance of Sims getting pregnant using the Menstrual Cycle, you can now use the “Decreased” level.
    0%-3% (Window I) 6%-10% (Window II) 15%-20% (Window III/Ovulation).
  • Potential Pregnancy notification now includes if the condom broke during sex.
    This information will now be shown in the usual pregnancy warning notification so you can already be aware things could become complicated.
  • Added a new default set of animations.
    From this release onward, WickedWhims will come with a few preview animations made by multiple creators which will hopefully give new players a better first impression and encourage them to get more.
  • Added icons to flirty social interactions when clicked Sim is considered at least Very Attractive.
    The Attractiveness icons will now show up on flirty interactions when your Sim finds the clicked Sim very attractive.
    After reaching 25% of the romance bar the icons will disappear to keep things looking cleaner.
  • Added the “Nudity Enthusiast” Wicked Attribute (trait).
    The Nudity Enthusiast Wicked Attribute allows you to decide which Sims are meant to get naked.
    All of the Sims that already have the Naturism (or Exhibitionism) skill at level 2 or higher will automatically gain the Nudity Enthusiast Wicked Attribute.
  • Added the “All Sims Nudity Enthusiasts” Nudity Setting.
    The introduction of Nudity Enthusiasts is meant to introduce more control to the nudity system.
    In short, Sims won’t randomly become nudity maniacs anymore and you have full control over which Sims supposed to be interested in nudity activities.
    The “All Sims Nudity Enthusiasts” setting will be automatically enabled for old saves, so your game will continue to work as usual. You don’t have to change anything unless you want to use this new approach! But if you don’t want this control, you can just activate the old system.
  • Added the “Fears Nudity” Wicked Attribute (trait).
    Sims that fear nudity will avoid any nudity that doesn’t involve them using a toilet, bathing, or having sex. They can still undress but that will definitely ruin their mood. In addition, they don’t feel comfortable being around other nude Sims and have a negative reaction to seeing others naked. And they absolutely hate talking about nudity.
  • Added the “Nudist Hangout” Lot Trait.
    Make any lot a Nudist Hangout and Sims visiting it will slowly convert to Nudity Enthusiasts, either by hanging out at the place or from talking to others about it. This can be a perfect fit for a nudist beach if you want it to affect Sims and get them to enjoy the naked life.
  • Renamed the “Nudist” Lot Trait to “Casual Nudity”.
    The previously named “Nudist” lot trait is now a “Casual Nudity” lot trait to reflect its purpose better. Sims at lots that allow for Casual Nudity will simply not mind being naked but won’t develop any interest in the matter on their own.
  • Added the “Everyone But Nudity Enthusiasts” door lock.
    If you’re interested in making locations that only allow Nudity Enthusiasts or Exhibitionists you can use the new door lock!
  • Added the “ww.remove_global_nudity_trait” command to remove Nudity Enthusiast trait from all Sims.
  • Added “Strip Club Quirks” and “Quirk Points”.
  • Added “Manage Business Quirks” interaction on the Sim phone.
    Simply running your business will earn you “Quirk Points” and you can use these points to activate “Strip Club Quirks”.
  • Added 6 free and 3 paid “Strip Club Quirks” for adjusting the business behavior.
    These quirks will change how your business behaves, by limiting or changing certain behavior.
  • Drinker Clients of Strip Club have a very low chance to vomit after having a drink.
  • Clients will now complain about a messy club and leave.
    Although rare, clients will now be able to vomit on the floor and complain about a messy club even without any “Strip Club Quirks” enabled.
  • Added a “Click-The-Spot Game Switch” setting to Strip Club settings.
    The “Click-The-Spot” game is available for playable dancers.
    When dancing as a dancer you will notice a magical floating glowing spot around your Sim. Clicking that spot will decrease Sim’s tiredness and increase tips.
    If you don’t like this mini-game, you can disable it in “Nudity Settings -> Strip Club Settings”.
  • Added the “Trim Pubic Hair” interaction available directly on the mirror.
    Added to quickly access of that function instead of clicking through three or more menu categories.
  • Fixed NPC Sims getting confused when switching windows.

2021/07/26 Updated to version 165h

  • Added compatibility with the 1.77.131 (July 20th) game patch.
  • Fixed an error after ending or restarting sex.
  • Added support for the Cottage Living Expansion Pack.
  • Fixed sex/dance animations something being misaligned.
  • Fixed Sims not removing their tampon/pad after their period ends.
  • Made save data of dead Sims be automatically purged after each update.

2021/06/10 Updated to version v165e

  • Fixed Strip Club Dancers getting stuck on tables/counters.
  • Fixed the Hypofertile trait not working correctly for male Sims.
  • Fixed Decorator career clients not being excluded from sex autonomy.
  • Fixed selling peeping pictures not working.
  • Improved support of gender preference altering traits.
  • Improved backward compatibility.

2021/06/08 Updated to version v165d

  • Added compatibility with the 1.75.125 (May 27th) game patch.
  • Shortened the first loading time for users with a large number of sex animations.
    Actually, animations were slow to load due to generating unique identifiers for them. These identifiers are used to manage animations faster by the code and be stored in save data. The newly implemented generation of identifiers is three times faster and a necessary step to gain extra time for processing of the overrides system.
    Because of all of your old save data contains old animation identifiers, the process of converting has to occur the first time you load a pre-v165 game save. Converting still requires the usage of old identifiers, so the actual first loading will still be slow. This process will rename old WickedWhims save files to their new format. The “disabled_animations.json”, “animations_favorites.ww”, and “animations_playlists.ww” files will be saved with new names and the old files will be disabled.
    Once the automatic process of converting old animations identifiers is finished, downgrading to an earlier release of WickedWhims will not load the old save data related to sex animations. The old files are renamed to begin with the “UNUSED” prefix, so you can revert back to them, but you’re required to handle renaming and moving of files on your own.
  • Improved overall performance and load times.
  • Improved responsiveness of the interactions pie menu when clicking on Sims.
  • Fixed some modded CAS parts randomly appearing on occult Sims.
  • Fixed Attractiveness not updating Sims gender preference.
  • Fixed not being able to apply ‘Upper Back’ cum layers.
  • Fixed sex watching Sims failing to join in when invited.
  • Fixed Autonomy Animations Disabler not displaying animation.
  • Fixed shoe undressing not working correctly for child Sims.
  • Fixed Attractiveness causing the Decorator Career to not work correctly.
  • Fixed Attractiveness Likes and Dislikes inconsistency.
  • Fixed certain objects rotating when used for sex.
  • Fixed ending a sex interaction too quickly causing an error.
  • Made sectional sofas work for Strip Clubs Watchers.
  • Added “Simple Attractiveness” to CAS Likes & Dislikes.
  • Added new hair colors to Attractiveness.
  • Added compatibility for the CAS Likes & Dislikes.
  • Added partial support for the new hair colors.
  • Added an ability to allow individual Sims for “Any Gender Role” in sex.
  • Rebalanced Sex Satisfaction for more excitement.
  • Added “Time Limit & Climax Finish” to the Player Sex Duration settings.
  • Fixed Scarecrow, Flower Bunny, Grim Reaper, Bonehilda, or any skeleton visuals disappearing during sex.
  • Improved jealousy reaction to encountering Sims in sex.
  • Made Sims not get jealous when at a sex club gathering.
  • Added a notification informing about newly installed sex animations.
  • Introduced Sex Animations Overrides.
  • Fixed Sex Autonomy allowing random NPC Sims to enter residential lots.
  • Fixed visual effects and cum layers sometimes not ending up on the right Sim.
  • Reimplemented displaying of cum on Sims. No more stuck cum layers on Sim’s body! And, cum no longer becomes part of the Sim outfit, so it won’t show up in CAS or when saving a Sim to the gallery.
  • Added ‘Wicked Lubricant’ item to the Wicked Store.
  • Added the ability to Apply Lubricant to the Entire Body for a shiny look.
  • Simplified Pregnancy Settings mode changing.
  • Added a Pregnancy Configuration notification.
  • Added Pregnancy-Not-Allowed notification.
  • Updated the Potential Pregnancy notification to state correct information.
  • Made the Potential Pregnancy notification display for all involved in sex Sims.
  • Manual non-instant usage of tampons/pads no longer displays a notification.
  • Added “Birth Control Effect on Period” Menstrual Cycle setting.
  • Reimplemented displaying of condoms on Sims. Condoms will now persist visually when switching outfits during sex.
  • Added support for undressing special outfits.
  • Improved support of club outfits for undressing.
  • Improved Shoe Removal Sign/Rack behavior. Sims will no longer attempt to take off shoes if they already don’t have shoes on and will not attempt to put on slippers if you specifically undressed their shoes beforehand.
  • Expanded the “Respect Child Sims Eyes” setting to offer a balanced respect option.
  • Fixed missing notification text when playable Sims dress up.
  • The “ww.get_hard” command can now take the “condom” argument.
  • Strip Club employees now actually earn money per hour (in addition to tips).
  • Strip Club employees will now receive an earnings notification after leaving work.
  • Fixed playable Strip Club employees not properly clocking in when present on the lot during opening.
  • Bartending dancers will finally clean the bar when it gets dirty.
  • Blocked most of Eco Living NAPs interactions when at the Strip Club.
  • Supply deliveries now happen twice a day, at 12PM and 12AM.
  • Multiple supply orders are no longer bunched together and instead every order counts as individual
  • Ordering supplies for the bar should now be a lot less confusing and a lot more consistent. Every order is scheduled either for 12PM or 12AM, depending on which one is further ahead in time. Ordering before 12AM will schedule a delivery for 12PM, and ordering after 12AM will schedule an order for 12AM the next day. So in short, your order can be delivered after between 13 hours to 24 hours, depending on how well you plan it.
  • Added a Window Peeping Configuration notification. Some found it surprising that a suspicious bald man shows up at their house and peeps through their windows. I get it, it’s pretty weird, so you should at least get a warning when it is about to happen for the first time.
  • Reimplemented displaying of sweat on Sims. No more stuck sweat on Sim’s body! And, sweat no longer becomes part of the Sim outfit, so it won’t show up in CAS or when saving a Sim to the gallery.
  • Reimplemented displaying of pubic hair on Sims. It doesn’t longer become a part of the Sim outfit, so it won’t show up in CAS or when saving a Sim to the gallery.
  • Added “Go to Tanning Salon” rabbit hole interaction.

Download & Update the Sims 4 WickedWhims sex mod to the Latest Version:

Make sure to remove old mod’s files before installation!

TS4 WickedWhims
TS4 WickedWhims
Version: 174b
99.3 MB

OPTIONAL – WickedWhims Original Penis Model:

WickedWhims Original Penis Model
WickedWhims Original Penis Model
Version: 1.0
268.1 KB
hot girl striptease sexy nude poledance desktop stripper

11 thoughts on “The Sims 4 WickedWhims sex mod”

  1. Are you going to update to the most recent version?
    Update 07/20/2021
    PC: / Mac:
    Console: Version 1.44

  2. i installed the WickedWhims mod and the game show it in both Custom Content and Script Mods but i don’t have Wicked choice in the game
    what should i do?

  3. I have the game installed over steam and don’t have a Mods folder. if I create one I am missing the “Resource.cfg” file, it also doesn’t get created. what am I doing wrong?

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