I think I’m gonna be interested in Skyrim mods for a long time. Thus, this patch.
Skyrim nude mod pubic hair options – Bushy (Pubic1), Bushy lite (Pubic1L), Trimmed (Pubic2) and Shaved.
Installation of Skyrim nude skins:
1. To be safe – backup these two folders so if you don’t like my mod, you can easily revert to whatever you had before:
* Data\textures\actors\character\female
* Data\meshes\actors\character\character assets
Delete any nude skins files from a previous body replacer to avoid conflicts.
2. Download Skyrim nude patch and unzip/unrar into Data folder (default …steam/steamapps/common/skyrim/data)
Thanks to Dimon99. Enjoy!
Q: The texture looks blocky and bad, can you make higher resolution ones?
A: Look under OPTIONAL FILES here for HD Normal maps…
Uncompressed  HD textures for Skyrim nude mod
They “weight” a lot, 21 meg, about 5 megs eaten by Alfa channel,which does NOTHING, but DDS plugin keeps adding it,even if I uncheck Alfa. I don’t want fiddle with export setting ATM, I have to do many for different maps…I did run a game with ALL maps uncompressed, about 120 megs total for BODY textures only- no problem. And my rig is not exactly new…
Rename either one into femalebody_1_msn.dds,
Place by hand into Data\textures\actors\character\female ,”yes” to overwrite.
Ref: Dimon99’s Skyrim nude patch, where are the four pubic hair choices you mention located? (Bushy (Pubic1), Bushy lite (Pubic1L), Trimmed (Pubic2) and Shaved)?
Make a mod so beautiful and well done to Aion. 😛
How can I change the pubic hair?
Dear Aion,
I came across this site purely by chance and was stunned at your pictures from Skyrim.
Sadly I only have the game on the Xbox smd I don’t think it’s possible to mod that. and while I’m pretty good at fixing tech, I’m a complete dumbass when it comes to software.
Could I ask you for a favour? Could you send me your complete catalogue of Skyrim girls?
I’d be happy to cover your costs for the time involved, but I would love to frame one or two for my flat. The Angel in particular.
Please feel free to use my email [email protected] to reply or contact me.
Sincerely; Gary.
Gary – Please take your next paycheck (or other income) and head to a bar. Buy a girl a drink and move on.
Thanks for your attention.
How do you change pubic hairs?