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The Witcher 3 NSFW Gwent Cards

This is a collection of 160+ lewd cards for Gwent: The Witcher Card Game. This mod changes textures for most cards in the game, including numerous ones contain nudity or scantily-clothed (hence the NSFW label right there in the name). Credits: PaulR0013.


This is the complete collection of cards that contains explicit nudity by supporting characters as well as several of the main characters.

Replaced Cards List:

  • All Neutral cards (Geralt, Zoltan, Regis, Olgierd, Gaunter O’Dimm, etc).
  • All Ballad Heroes cards (Geralt, Ciri, Yen, Triss, Dandelion, Villentretenmerth, etc).
  • All Special cards (decoy, biting frost, scorch, etc).
  • All Faction Leaders (Northern Realms – Foltest, Monsters – Eredin, Scoia’tael – Francesca Findabair, Nilfgaard – Emhyr var Emreis, Skellige – King Bran & Crach an Craite).
  • All Hero cards (Iorveth, Letho, Vernon Roche, etc).
  • All named characters (Fringilla Vigo, Cynthia, Philippa Eilhart, Keira, Sabrina Glevissig, Ves, Milva, etc).
  • Most Ability cards (medics, spies, etc).
  • Nearly all of the Monster cards. Only ones not replaced are Kayran and Ghoul #3.
  • Most Northern Realms, Scoia’tael, and Nilfgaard cards.
  • Some Skellige cards (these are incredibly hard to find and very few suitable replacements relative to the other factions).

Note: The Ballad Heroes cards contains alternate pictures for the 10 cards in that set. Meaning, this mod contains 2x cards for Geralt, Ciri, Yen, Triss, Mysterious Elf, Dandelion, Zoltan, Vesemir, Villentretenmerth, and Regis (1x in the Neutral cards, and 1x in the Ballad Heroes set).
Ballad Heroes can be on or off; only thing that will change are the extra cards for the Ballad Heroes characters.


How to install:

  1. Copy the folder called ‘mod1MyNSFWGwentCardsB’ to The Witcher 3 Wild Hunt GOTY\mods folder.
  2. Have fun!

Compatibility Update:

Priority does matter for this mod when using it with other Gwent mods that swap textures. Simply load this mod first (higher priority) before other Gwent texture-swapping mods and it should be compatible.


To uninstall the mod, delete the ‘mod1MyNSFWGwentCardsB’ folder from […]The Witcher 3 Wild Hunt GOTY\mods folder.

The Witcher 3 NSFW Gwent cards
The Witcher 3 NSFW Gwent cards
Version: Version B
53.7 MB

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