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The Witcher Nude Dryad

This nude mod replaces Geralt with a sexy dryad in the Witcher. Included Dopplers_Essence mod by Ifrit. Credits: mcdyn.



  • dryad race
    Replaces Geralt with a nude dryad.
  • Dopplers_Essence_Installer
    Credits: Ifrit
    Allows a player to switch character model to any of 176 models available in game. After mod’s installation you will be given a quest item called Doppler’s Essence.


How To Install

  • Extract “The_Witcher_Dryad_nude_mod.7z” anywhere you want.
  • Run “Dopplers_Essence_Installer” and follow its instructions.
  • Navigate to the “dryad race” folder and copy the “override” folder to the game’s “Data” folder
    * ex steam: steamapps \ common \ The Witcher Enhanced Edition \ Data.

How To Use

In the game’s inventory, at the top, a potion will automatically appear you have to drink. This potion will open dialogue with the list of 176 models are available to choose. Just select Dryads, belong to the category “A member of different race”.


  1. If you’re arrested entering Vizima for the first time, you lose the potion and go back to Geralt appearance.
    Decision: just continue with the main quest that when recovering your all equipment, the potion will return to your inventory.
  2. You’ll return to Geralt’s appearance every time when you enter a new large area, like a swamp or when you close a chapter.
    Decision: just take the potion again if you wish.

The Witcher Dryad Nude Mod
The Witcher Dryad Nude Mod
Version: 0.1
166.6 MB
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