This Nude patch Jessica draws from Sin Episodes 1 times a nicer leather costume
for youin Sin episodes nude patch.
Nude patch Sin Episodes 1 v1.1 by SMaz
Hi, Gamers.
With this nude patch Jessica draws from Sin Episodes 1 time a nicer game
for you to.
This nude patch has been tested with the German version 1.0, but should also
all other languages work.
Saves from the folder
…: \ Valve \ Steam \ SteamApps \ * USER * \ SinEpisodes \ SE1 \ materials \ models \ characters \ Jessica
Jessica Body.vtf the file
if the patch is not your expectations.
Sin episodes nude patch installer:
Just unpack the Rar file contained
Jessica Body.vtf
in the folder:
…: \ Valve \ Steam \ SteamApps \ * USER * \ SinEpisodes \ SE1 \ materials \ Models \ characters \ Jessica
Backup the existing file, if required (to and it is asked, if not,
what was wrong)
NOTE: The * USER * mÑŒsst replace it by your Steam name.
Have fun.
nude patch uninstaller:
Just above the file back hopefully by the previously saved file
. Replace
Q: is still the from string to …
A: I was too lazy to look, and remove them. me the least, not in
R: That is only one file. Why?
A: Have only the texture improved, “” no more. With 3D models, I do not know me yet
not so good.
Q: Do you Elexis, as well?
A: Why? At that there are many excellent nude patches.
Q. In my case the file is there but not as described?
A: It may be that there are differences. If just depends, as it
was installed. Addiction when hand in your folder path Sin:
… \ Materials \ models \ characters \ Jessica. The Must be present.
Question: In my steam there is no materials folder after \ Valve \ Steam \ SteamApps \ * USER * \ SinEpisodes \ SE1
Can I still use the patch? or do I have to find another one?