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Star Wars: Battlefront II (2017) Nude Darth Talon

NSFW textures for Darth Talon in Star Wars: Battlefront II (2017). This nude mod removes Dooku and Rey skins. Credits: BatzofHell (author), ImSorryHan (thanks for the model mesh).

  1. FrostyModManager_v1.0.5.9
    It applies a mod and launch your game. Credits: GalaxyMan2015.
  2. Nude Darth Talon (Dooku).fbmod
    With this mod Dooku or Rey will transform into nude Darth Talon. It replaces all their skins. 

  1. Unzip the “SWBII_Darth_Talon_Nude_Mod.7z” anywhere you want.
  2. Go to the “FrostyModManager_v1.0.5.9” folder and launch the .exe file.
  3. Pick the .exe file under your game directory.
  4. Click Import Mod(s) button, then choose this mod file.
  5. Select the mod in the left area and click Apply Mods;
    Change the order of the mods as you need in the right area.
  6. Make sure the mod you want to enable is checked in the right area.
  7. Click Launch.
  8. Have fun!

SWBII Darth Talon Nude Mod
SWBII Darth Talon Nude Mod
Version: 1.0
98.4 MB
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