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Darkest Dungeon Nude Grave Robber

Here’s a lewd version of the Grave Robber in Darkest Dungeon. The mod has four versions: clothed or nude with visible or hidden eyes, with four color variants each. Contains completely new sexy animations. Not compatible with any other Grave Robber skin, including the base skin. Credits: XelswordArt.

  1. Place the “Xelsword Grave Robber – Replacer” folder into the “mods” folder inside your DarkestDungeon directory after unzipping the mod’s archive.
  2. After that enable it within Darkest Dungeon by pressing on the hammer icon on your save file and checking the box on this mod. Place it high in the load order.
  3. If you want to use it in the Butcher’s Circus PVP mode, you will need to replace the actual hero files, so just drop the contents of the folder into the Darkest Dungeon directory, though make backups first.
  4. Have fun!

Darkest Dungeon Nude Grave Robber
Darkest Dungeon Nude Grave Robber
Version: 1.0
52.4 MB
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