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Batman: Arkham Knight Christmas Joker and Harley Quinn

Meet Santa Joker and with his helper – Harley Quinn in Batman: Arkham Knight. This mod adds Christmas outfits for this sweet couple. It requires Resorep in order to work. Credits: MrJustArkhamGames.

  1. Download Resorep with all needed requirements for its work:
    Make sure you have Microsoft C++ distributables 2015 and Java SE Runtime Environment 8 (Windows x64 version) installed for Resorep to work.
  2. Launch resorep.jar – double click it in Windows Explorer.
    Make sure that your Windows user has write rights for game folder.
  3. Click the “+” button in the “Applications to hook” section.
  4. Choose the game executable. Not the game launcher but game itself.
  5. [Optional] Change “Load modded textures from” path if you wish.
  6. Close the resorep.jar application.
  7. Unpack the mod’s archive anywhere. There are two folders inside it: one called “Classic Harley” and one called “Joker”. Select the folder that you want to use. Copy “.dss” files from the chosen folder into the folder specified by “Load modded textures from” path.
  8. Open the game. Enjoy!

BAK Christmas Christmas Joker Harley
BAK Christmas Christmas Joker Harley
Version: 1.0
11.9 MB
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