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Darkest Dungeon Grave Robber’s Lusty Trinkets

This is a small UI mod that replaces the Grave Robber’s hero trinkets with a lewd version. It changes the visuals and names, all effects remain the same. Credits: KotBasil.


The changed trinkets:

Quickening SatchelConcealed Blade (“There is no such thing as “too many knives”).
Sickening SatchelSmuggler’s Pouch (“Favored by smugglers, this pouch is small enough to be hidden under clothes”).
Blighting SatchelBackside Bling (“Not the most hygienic, but a relatively safe place for a rainy-day fund” ).
Lucky TalismanLucky Talisman (“Superstitions can be quite comforting” ).
Raider’s TalismanThread of Pearls (“A bit of luxury, kept secretly under garment and put to a good use”).

  1. Place the “Lusty Trinkets – Verstal” folder into the “mods” folder inside your DarkestDungeon directory after extracting the mod’s archive.
  2. Activate the mod in game.
  3. Enjoy the game!

Version: 1.0
87.6 KB
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