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Jade Empire nude patch

This Nude patch of Smazene be drawn Ling, Wu and Jen Zi something nicer clothes, and forget the way her panties.
(Or choose to, that it is no better beats … haha, pun!: P)


Nude patch Jade Empire v1.0 by SMaz

Hi there.

This nude patch make Ling, Wu and Jen Zi a little bit more sexy. They also forget
their panties …

This Patch was tested with the german Version 1.0, but it should work with other
languages and Versions too.


Backup following Files (if available) from the Folder …:\Jade Empire\override :

– p_blossom01.txb
– p_li01.txb
– p_ling01.txb

Installation Jade Empire nude patch:

Copy the Files p_blossom01.tga, p_blossom01.txi, p_li01.tga, p_li01.txi,
p_ling01.tga and p_ling01.txi in this folder: …:\Jade Empire\override.

Delete the Files p_blossom01.txb, p_li01.txb und p_ling01.txb from the override
folder, or the Patch wonґt work.

Thatґs all, have fun.


Delete the Files p_blossom01.tga, p_blossom01.txi, p_li01.tga, p_li01.txi,
p_ling01.tga and p_ling01.txi from the folder …:\Jade Empire\override.

Now copy the backupped Files p_blossom01.txb, p_li01.txb und p_ling01.txb
back to the …:\Jade Empire\override folder.

FAQ Jade Empire nude patch:

F: Will you patch all women in the Game ?
A: Not all, but I think about Characters like Morning Star.

Jade Empire Nude Patch
Jade Empire Nude Patch
861.1 KB
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2 thoughts on “Jade Empire nude patch”

  1. I highly doubt this will get answered, but it’d be nice to know if there was any way to keep Jen Zi’s clothes’ color scheme. Why’s it transparent? Only Ling and Wu’s breast cover things are transparent, and Jen Zi’s boobs are above that.

  2. My mistake, they’re completely covered by the magic see-through clothes. Hell, I’d actually prefer to just remove her strip of cloth “underwear.”

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