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Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain 2015 – The Naked Sniper Quiet Nude Mod

Play as Quiet completely nude in Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain 2015. The Naked Sniper has a mound of pubic hair. There are two versions of the nude patch: with gear or without it. Thanks to Morbidslinky.


There are two ways of doing this: manually or via the “Snakebite Mod Manager” – [SBWM]. And only one of them must be done to successfully download a mod.

1 Way:

  • With Snakebite Mod Manager:
    Download and install the “Snakebite Mod Manager”. Install the mgsv file from the archive using “Snakebite Mod Manager”.

How to do this:

  • Install Snakebite Mod Manager.
  • Launch Snakebite.
  • In Snakebite select Mods.
  • Now select Install .MGSV Files.
  • Select the The Naked Sniper (Hair).mgsv file and select Open (I created a folder in the game files called Add_Mods and put all of the .mgsv files there).
  • You may read the description and then select Continue Installation.
  • Again if you are happy select OK. (This may take some time).
  • Now it will show that the mod has finished installing, so click Launch Game.
  • Play the game and enjoy.

2 Way:

  • Manual installation:
    Copy the mgsv file from the archive to the game’s mods directory.

MGSV: TPP The Naked Sniper Quiet Nude Mod
MGSV: TPP The Naked Sniper Quiet Nude Mod
Version: 3.0
150.6 MB
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