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Nioh 2 Naked Yokai

This mod removes the monster girls’ clothes in Nioh 2. It’s available for female Yokai such as Kasha, Nure-Onna, Eboshi and LGYomi. It works with Eboshi’s soul cores. It’s created for the game version 1.27. Supports texture level high or low motion blur. Not available with DLSS. Requires the Nioh 2 Mod Enabler. Credits: Kulado.

How to Install Nioh 2 Nude Yokai:

  1. Make sure you have the Nioh 2 Mod Enabler installed first. Download and install it following all its instructions.
  2. Download this mod. Extract all its folders directly in the “Mods” folder in the game directory.
  3. Run your Nioh 2 and press F10 in game to enable this mod.
  4. Have fun with nude Yokai girls!

Note: This mod was updated to include a motion blur hash. I tested adjusting other settings but didn’t see anything break on my end. These are my settings (see the images below):

 When in doubt set texture quality to High and turn off DLSS and Motion blur.

Download & Update the mod to the Latest Version

2021/03/09 Upgraded to version 1.03

  • Added Soul Core textures for Eboshi.
  • Added new vagina textures for Kasha and Eboshi.
  • Game version 1.27.
Nioh 2 Nude Yokai
Nioh 2 Nude Yokai
Version: 1.03
10.3 MB

if you want update it, please uninstall the old version of the mod first, and then install the new version.

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