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Diablo 3 Nude Demon Hunter in Red

 This mod makes Demon Hunter nude in Blood Rayne style. It requires uMod. Credits to Vergil.

  • Make sure you have uMod installed.
  • Extract the mod’s archive anywhere.
  • Run uMod soft with “Use global hook” option (Main > Use global hook).
  • Start Diablo 3, then Alt + Tab to desktop.
  • Then go to the folder where you put the mod’s  .dds files.
  • Select and drag them all into the blank space at the bottom of uMod.
    Alt + Tab and Diablo III will now start with the Demon Hunter naked. Have Fun!

Diablo3 Demon Hunter Naked in Red
Diablo3 Demon Hunter Naked in Red
984.8 KB
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