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Bloodstained: Ritual of the Night Naked Miriam

Let’s play as Miriam in various states of undress according to your wishes in Bloodstained: Ritual of the Night. This mod is the default costume replacer with a nude version. Contains different sexy outfits and topless option. Added boob physics (optional levels of bounciness). Thanks to noodtiddies.




Contains steam and versions (select one of them).

Mod’s options:

  • Removing tattoos.
  • Boob physics (fatihG method).
  • Nipple color/pubic hair on or off.
  • Showing feet instead of boot weapons.


How to Install Bloodstained: Ritual of the Night Naked Miriam:


  1. Extract the “BRotN-Miriam-Sexy-Mod-Pack.7z” file anywhere you want. There are two folders inside it: “GOG version” and “Steam version”. Select the folder that corresponds to your game.
  2. Go to the chosen folder. Pick a version of “pakmod-MiriamTopless.pak” from one of the “Version” folders.
  3. Copy the “pakmod-MiriamTopless.pak” file that you want to use to the “~mod” folder in your Bloodstained’s game directory:
    “Bloodstained Ritual of the Night/BloodstainedRotN/Content/Paks/~mod”.
    Note: If this is the very first mod you’re installing, create a folder named “~mod”.
  4. Play and enjoy!

Optional – Alternate Skins:

  • Select a “pakmod-MiriamToplessSkinOverride.pak” file of the alternate skin you want to use in the “Alternate Skins” folder.
  • Follow the instructions above, copy it into the same “~mod” folder as the main “packmod-MiriamTopless.pak” file.

Optional – Show/Hide Boots:

  1. By default, all armors will show Miriam’s feet when no boot weapons are equipped.
  2. This mod has 2 override options for this:
    • “Always Show” which works like the original game.
    • “Always Hide” which never shows boots, including boot weapons (this will affect the “Pure Miriam” outfit).
  3. To install, select a “pakmod-MiriamToplessBootsOverride.pak” from one of the “Boots” folders and put it in the “~mod” folder.


Delete “pakmod-MiriamTopless.pak”,
“pakmod-MiriamToplessBootsOverride.pak” and
“pakmod-MiriamToplessSkinOverride.pak” from
“Bloodstained Ritual of the Night/BloodstainedRotN/Content/Paks/~mod”.

Download & Update the mod to the Latest Version

2021/03/09 Upgraded to version 1.0.8

  • Added steam and versions.
  • Fixed texture missing in new games (before meeting barber).
  • Fixes texture issues with the latest July 2nd “Boss Revenge and Chroma Wheel” update.
  • Fixes Miriam’s battle pose in cutscenes so the breasts don’t look so weird.

Make sure to remove old mod’s files before updating the mod.

BRotN Miriam Sexy Mod Pack
BRotN Miriam Sexy Mod Pack
Version: 1.0.8
174.4 MB
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5 thoughts on “Bloodstained: Ritual of the Night Naked Miriam”

  1. hello!!
    just downloaded and can’t help but notice that the Alternative skins don’t work?? Even though I’m trying to get a specific skin, I tested some of the other version and can confirm that the DARK No Tattoos doesn’t even remove the Tattoos.

    Did a game update break this piece of the mod? I don’t mind unpacking and trying to fix, but I’m curious if an update has already been pushed for the mod to save myself the work.

  2. Thanks for your feedback, Blaze4Daze20.
    It’s updated to the latest version now. Everything should work well. Please try it.

  3. hi, after the patch 1.3 the nude mod is not working anymore, can you please fix it? its an awesome mod ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

    thanks in advance

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