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Half life 2 nude skins

A full nude patch for Alyx, the patch works with all versions of HL2 + addons. Included in the patch are two different versions, version one with dreadlocks and a normal. Have fun.


Full nude patch for Half Life 2

+ Episode 1 & 2

Description: This is a Full nude patch for Alyx from HL2 + addons. The model is variant of Fakefactory from his Cinematic Mod 4th
I have compiled only the bugsremoved and new, and summarized.
The Archives 2 Alyx variants, one with dreadlocks and one normal.

Nude skins Installation:

For Half Life 2

The materials in the. Rar contained “” Folder for,

X: \ Program Files \ Steam \ SteamApps \ half User Account \-life 2 \ hl2

And depending what you want, dreads or Normal, both in the folder, each a “models” Folder. The mьsst after her simple,

X: \ Program Files \ Steam \ SteamApps \ half User Account \-life 2 \ hl2

For HL2 Episode 1
is the path

X: \ Program Files \ Steam \ SteamApps \ half User Account \-life 2 episode one \ episodic

for HL2 Epsiode 2
is the path where it comes in,

X: \ Program Files \ Steam \ SteamApps \ half User Account \-life 2 episode two \ ep2

Known Bugs: 1 I am aware that the model is in the normal Half Life 2 problems with the neck of Alyx that problem tread unfortunately only with the normal Half Life 2. Unfortunately, this is obvious for all
Models Cinematic Mod V4.

2nd At the beginning of HL2 Ep2 Alyx who takes the graviton in the hand, this animation does not play 100%. This results in smaller errors, but do not affect the course of the game.

Author and Copyright by Mognoss

Half Life 2 Nude Skins
Half Life 2 Nude Skins
34.6 MB
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5 thoughts on “Half life 2 nude skins”

  1. steam changed the file format of the files.
    you need to put them in a folder called”custom” which will contain the mod files +folder e.g models,materials e.t.c.

    google around for ,how to install custom skins in hl2

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