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Sexy Grunts Nude patch

This World of Warcraft MPQ (“patch-q.mpq”) nude patch has textures which put back the wearisome baked textures as the most common female Orcish grunts and guards of Horde with something a little comfier and more sexy.


Role players may try the freshly patched up textures on by purchasing “Tattered Cloth Vest” and “Tattered Cloth Pants” from noob armour venders and traders in Durotar/Org and Tirisfal/UC (although clothes from nude patch exclusively look well on female Orcs).

How to install that nude patch:
1. Copy the MPQ file into World of Warcraft\Data directory.
2. Start WoW.
3. Set texture detail to max. It is required so skins look funny.

4. Enjoy nude patched sexy grunts  skins!

Sexy Grunts Nude Patch Trollpaxton
Sexy Grunts Nude Patch Trollpaxton
492.4 KB
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