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Nude tombraider 6

Very nice Nude Skins for Lara, a very comprehensive Readme.txt be found too. Thanks to Danny!


Lara Nude Costume #3
for Lara Croft Tomb Raider the angel of darkness

by Danny

Description Nude tombraider 6, Lara is wearing:
– Short Black C-Thru Top, that reveals Lara’s breast
– Green Small Booty Shorts, that reveals Lara’s ass
– Long Black Stockings, half pantyhose and half fishnets
– Backpack, Boots, Belt, Hoslters and other accessories

Software used:
– Adobe Photoshop (+ NVIDEA plugins)
– UltraEdit
– AOD Texture Editor by Michiel

Installation Nude tombraider 6:

– Go to TRAOD data folder (example: C:/Program Files/Eidos/TRAOD/Data)
– Create in there a new folder and name it “Char” (if you have installed the
official TRAOD patches the folder should be in there already)
– Copy and paste the file “laranude03.chr” in the “Char” folder and rename it
as 1 of the costumes’ names to replace the original Lara’s costumes in the game
– If you want to replace more than 1 of the costumes paste the file as many as
you want (1 to 5) and rename them as the different costumes

1. “LaraD.chr” Top, Jeans & Jacket:
– Parisian Back Streets
– Derelict Apartment Block
– Industrial Roof Tops
– Margot Carvier’s Apartment
– Parisian Ghetto
– Willowtree Herbalist
– St. Aicard’s Church
– Rennes’ Pawnshop
– Cafй Metro
– Le Serpent Rouge
– St. Aicard’s Graveyard
– Bouchard’s Hideout

2. “LaraC1.chr” Top & Trousers:
– Louvre Galleries
– The Archaeological Dig
– Tomb of Ancients
– The Hall of Seasons
– Neptune’s Hall
– Wrath of the Beast
– The Sanctuary of Fire
– The Breath of Hades
– Galleries Under Siege
– Von Croy’s Apartment

3. “LaraC2.chr” Top, Trousers & Jacket:
– Louvre Storm Drains
– The Monstrum Crimescene
– Strahov Fortress

4. “Lara.chr” Top & Shorts:
– The Bio-Research Facility
– Aquatic Research Area
– Vault of Trophies
– The Lost Domain
– Eckhardt’s Lab

5. “LaraS.chr” Wetsuit:
– Aquatic Research Area
– Vault of Trophies

– The costumes of nude tombraider 6 also replace the ones in the cutscenes but not in the FMVs
– If a level is in 2 different costumes’ list means that Lara changes her
costume sometime in the level
– This level list is not in the right order
– There are 3 levels where you play as Kurtis and not Lara “Sanitarium”,
“Maximum Containment Area” and “Boaz Returns”

– Sometimes the game crashes if you load a previous saved game (saved before
you installed the costume)
– If you can’t see the costume make sure you named the folder and the .chr
files correctly
– You can also try replacing other characters with this Lara’s costume
(example: kurtis.chr, Janice.chr…) it will work but with bugs, Lara will
have lot of the items she collect in the game in her face, back and hands
(items like weapons, respirator, hammer…)

To Tron for his TRAOD skinning tutorial (although it was in german I found out
how to understand it)

Enjoy this costume and wait for more to come

Nude Tombraider 6
Nude Tombraider 6
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