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Fallout 4 La Buge Hoobies CBBE BodySlide Preset

This preset for Bodyslide equips a player or NPC females with a slim, curvy figure and huge boobies in the Fallout 4. Available two versions: natural and boosted with the cleavage effect. Required the Fallout 4 CBBE Naked Females. Credits: TechDaddy.


What’s Included:

There are two variants in this BodySlide Preset:

  • La Buge Hoobies v1 (Natural)
    Adds a gravitational effect to the “major assets” of the body.  This is best used for nude or loose fitting clothing, such as swimsuit, lingerie, etc.
  • La Buge Hoobies v1 (Boosted)
    Lifts and squeezes the boobs together for the cleavage effect.  This is better used for tight-fitting or binding outfits.

See difference between the two versions in the pictures above.

Note: the mod’s author often customizes most mods, used in his game, using Outfit Studio to accommodate his preferences. You’re experience with these mods may vary from the screenshots shown in the Images tab.


How to Install Fallout 4 La Buge Hoobies CBBE BodySlide Preset:

  1. In order to use this BodySlide Preset, you will need to install the Fallout 4 CBBE Naked Females. If you have downloaded the BodySlide and Outfit Studio and Caliente’s Beautiful Bodies Enhancer from that page before, you should update them to the latest version. The mod was updated 2020/05/17.
  2. Download this mod. Extract the compressed package with 7 zip archiver anywhere you find it easily. The mod’s preset is presented as an XML file. Drop that into this folder:
    “Fallout 4\Data\Tools\BodySlide\SliderPresets”.
  3. Then you’ll need to locate your Fallout 4 installation directory/folder that precedes the above path.
  4. Once doing so, open your BodySlide. You should find your new preset under the Preset drop-down menu. Select it, and if you want to change it any, open the Preview window and use the sliders to change the body shape. Make sure the Outfit/Body dropdown is set to CBBE body – this will make the body naked. Once you’re happy, press the big Build button. That’s about it.

You may, alternatively, use your preferred Mod Manager client to install this mod directly from a file. For example, the MO2. This mod manager you can find in the Fallout 4 CBBE female nude mod package (link above).

F4 La Buge Hoobies CBBE BodySlide Preset
F4 La Buge Hoobies CBBE BodySlide Preset
Version: 1.0
1.8 KB
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