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Fallout 4 Naked Males

This male nude mod for Fallout 4 replaces the default bodies with high resolution models based of vanilla proportions with detailed feet, modified hands, and one cut and erect part. Thanks to Leito86/Leito86Redux.

Fallout 4
Fallout 4


What’s Included:

  • Fallout4-nude-male-mod.rar
    The mod’s package replaces the default “vanilla” textures with nude body textures. Install the mod with the Mod.Organizer.
  • Mod Organizer 2 (Installer).exe
    Mod Organizer 2 is a mod manager created by Tannin to support 64bit games like Skyrim Special Edition and Fallout 4. Updated to version
    What distinguishes MO2 from more traditional mod managers is the idea of not modifying the “vanilla” game installation in any way. Mods are not actually installed in the game folder but instead are kept each in their own separate folders. The game INI configuration files are not touched and instead MO2 uses it’s own set. 
    This way mods are only “active” if the game is started from MO2, while if it’s started normally it will be in it’s “vanilla” unmodded state.


How to Install Fallout 4 Naked Males:

  1. Unpack the Fallout-4-male-nude-mod+MO2.7z with 7Zip archiver or another similar program anywhere you can find easily.
  2. Run the Mod Organizer 2 (Installer).exe and specify your install directory. It will download and install all necessary components required to run MO2. If you need to update an existing Mo2 install using the installer, simply select your current MO2 folder as the install location and the installer will take care of the rest without endangering your modded setup.
    Note: Once installed, make sure the MO2 directory and/or files are excluded from any antivirus you may have installed. MO2’s virtualization system hooks into the running applications and modifies system calls, and many antiviruses do not like this.
  3. Launch Mod Organizer
  4. On first startup MO2 will ask you which game to manage unless you placed it inside a game directory.
  5. Second button from the top left, looks like a box and a disc. Click that and it will open file browser. Go to the extracted mod’s files and choose Fallout4-nude-male-mod.rar.
    ** Mod file format must be on .RAR file
  6. Follow the MO2 instructions on the mod’s activation.
  7. Have fun!

04/01/2020 Updated.

Version: 1.2
103.1 MB
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5 thoughts on “Fallout 4 Naked Males”

  1. I need help with this mod, the mod organizer does not let me install this mod because there is no game data. In this downlod there is only a folder with the name “mod” which I can’t get installed. Thanks a lot.

  2. First Zip ok, “Fallout4-nude-male-mod” no Archiv found after “Zip” extraction.

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