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Skyrim Legendary Edition Follow Me For Sex

This erotic mod allows you to recruit up to 8 sexual followers. All adult NPCs can be your sexual followers that will follow you, satisfying your sexual requests. But they can’t engage in combats or have the other normal followers actions. The mod’s possibilities are specified in “Description”. Compatible with your normal follower mod together. Credits: CPU.


Skyrim Legendary Edition SexLab Framework (and all its requirements).



  • You have a set of dialogue lines to ask sex with your followers (you with them or between them).
  • You can ask your sexual followers to masturbate.
  • You have a spell to place markers that will be used to align the animations.
  • You have an ability to define what animations will be used (by tags or as specific animations) for each possible number of participants (from 2 to 5). The mod adds hacks to SexLab to force the animations to align to the markers you place or to force the actual animations played.
  • You have a dialogue line to kiss your followers, including open mouth, tongues, and kissing sounds.
  • You can ask for quick sex to all human NPCs that aren’t followers.
  • You have a line to ask your followers to strip.
  • You can ask followers to dance for you.
  • This mod can define the sexual preferences for the player, males, and females (no more female fucking a male in the ass, if you don’t like it).
  • It adds an extra strapon to SexLab that looks like a natural penis.
  • It contains kinky stuff:
    • You have some lines to make followers ejaculate in many different conditions.
    • You can make your sexual followers piss in many different conditions.
  • It includes some actual ejaculations using meshes or particles when the orgasm is reached or the animation ends (can replace SexLab Cumshot).

  1. Make sure you have the SexLab Framework and all its requirements installed.
  2. Extract the “SLE Follow-Me-For-Sex-Erotic-Mod” file anywhere you want.
  3. Launch the Mod Organizer 2. Press the “disk” button at the top of the MO2 and go to the folder where you extracted all the content of the mod’s archive. Select the “Follow me for Sex V3.7.7z” file. Press “Ok” and check its box in MO2.
  4. Click on the dropdown menu and select “GenerateFNISforUsers” and press the “Run” button.
  5. Click the “Update FNIS Behavior” button in a new window and wait for a message to appear in the window stating “X animations for Y mods successfully included.”. When it’s done, click the “Exit” button.
  6. Launch the game via skse_loader:
    • Click the dropdown menu in the MO2 and select “SKSE”. Then press the “Run” button.
  7. Open up the MCM Follow me for Sex tab, and you should see multiple submenus waiting for you to customize your sexy skyrim experience. If you want to have Kinky stuff, activate it in the main config page (cumshots, golden showers, orgies).
  8. Have fun!


1. Where are the followers? Can you tell me their locations?

This mod does not add new followers. You can recruit all adult NPCs. You have a dialogue line for everyone.

2. When I go to the options: “Orgies”, “Pissing” and “Whipping and Spanking” they show me a message that say “Not Available”. So how can I make these options available?

In the first page you need to enable the Kinky Option.

3. Are there risks when using this mod in the game? Like can it break a quest chain if used on the wrong important NPC?

The mod does not break quests. The actor will still be able to do the normal tasks. In specific cases the quests will be “suspended” until the actor is released and a cell is changed.

4. My follower constantly have cum spurting out in front of her even though there are no animations playing. How do I stop this?

Open console, click on your follower, then type showinventory. In that list you’ll see an item without a name, just the id and it will be “worn”. That’s the “item” making an actor cum. It must remove by itself at the end of an animation, but somehow sometimes it does not. So type removeitem 1. Sometimes there were not 1 but 2 items with different id’s, so if you removed 1 item and an actor is still cuming – check his/her inventory again for another one.

Note: For anyone that still has the peeing/cum bug after followers put their clothes on: Take every item from the NPC with the bug cause they all will disappear after this. Open the console and left click the follower near you then type in the console resurrect. Put all the items back or the items you want the follower to have. Done, no more peeing bug after you put the follower armor back or take it.

5. Recently started a new game. To my knowledge, I had all of the toggles and values set the same as my other quest, but for some reason every time my female character initiates sex with another female, it engages in the exact same foreplay animations every single time. It lists a different animation title in the upper left corner, but no matter what it says, the animations are always the same. How do I fix that?

Probably you have set an option in SexLab about “Foreplay”, disactivate it. It is not in this mod, it is an option inside SexLab itself.

6. What about animals? Is it compatible with FNIS Creature Pack?

This mod does NOT support creatures, they will never be added.

SLE Follow Me For Sex Erotic Mod
SLE Follow Me For Sex Erotic Mod
Version: 3.7
61.2 MB
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