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Mass Effect 3 EDI’s Naughty Suit

Of course, EDI is a robot, but with those sensual shapes and forms she is just the perfect sexbot, so this was bound to happen in Mass Effect 3. Please note that only the white EDI’s outfit is affected by this retexture.

Mass Effect 3

How to Install Mass Effect 3 EDI’s Naughty Suit:

  • Extract the mod’s compressed file anywhere you want.
  • Download and start TexMod.
  • Click on a “folder” icon under “Target Application” and navigate to the “Mass Effect 3.exe” file.
  • Select “Package Mode”.
  • Click on the “folder” icon above the “red X” and pick the “EDI’s Naughty Suit.tpf” file.
  • Use the “Run” button and the game will start with a new texture.
  • EDI Naughty Suit
    EDI Naughty Suit
    487.8 KB
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