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Sonicomi nude mod

Here’s Sonicomi nude patch for you. Two versions. Thanks to AbeLincoln55.


This mod includes Unilove’s body retexture to include nipples, a semi-transparent sexy bikini, topless Bikini A and babydoll and removed the bikini under the see-through t-shirt.
In addition, the bondage outfit has retextured underwear to make matching sets, since the shorts were removed. It looked weird with only black and white. All colors of the see-through shirt now have no bikini underneath.

1. particle-notail (without tail on the stray cat outfit)
2. particle-tail (with the tail on the stray cat outfit)

Both files replace the same outfits – the only difference is that one of them keeps the tail on the stray cat outfit, and the other one gets rid of it. It is necessary to choose one of them.


Unzip whichever version you want, and place the file in the base Sonicomi directory. Overwrite the existing particle.npk file when prompted.

Enjoy – Feedback appreciated!

Sonicomi Nude Patch
Sonicomi Nude Patch
23.3 MB
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