WoW Skin digest Pack – Armor ONLY Edition(variant 1.18)
Source:Â SwiftLippin
What is in the digest:
- -837 full chest/leg armor texture edits out to make them more suggestive, admitting the following:
- -Tier 1-7 erotic editions for female person*
- -Arena season 1-4 sexy editions
- -Return of previous armor textures which were patched over by blizzard as
they we are too pornographic - -Allots of extra stuff I forgot to note
Compatibility of nude pack: World of Warcraft Burning Crusade 2.4.3 mods ONLY
Title                  : WoW Skin compilation (v1.18)
Release Date (DD/MM/YY) : 4/12/08
Author   : SwiftLippin
Description            : Shitload of edited textures, along with some old revealing armor textures that
were patched over.
Installation           : 1. Copy the MPQ file into your World of Warcraft\Data directory.
2. Start WoW.
3. Set texture detail to maximum. It is required so the
skins look good. Anistropic and trilinear filtering
also help.
4. Enjoy!
Credits                : Pack construction: SwiftLippin
Skins: SwiftLippin(everything but the following)
Blizzard(base skins)
LazarusX(centaur, dryad, harpy, naga, succubus)
Abegud(Naga Statue)
Misc.                  : Thanks to Blizzard for this great game!
* Play Information *
Game                     : WoW
New Graphics             : Yes
New Music                : No
New Sounds               : No
* Construction *
Base                     : Various other skin packs, original WoW skins
Build time               : Lots and lots of time
Editor(s) Used           : Photoshop