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Waldi guild wars nude patch

A patch for the Rangers lady. Descriptions of how fabricated the character are included.

Guild WarsNude


A small mod of the Waldi lady somewhat fatter design;)
It can be used by pve and even in the Pvp area;)

A lot of people Enjoy
Mfg Quinong

Install guild wars nude patch:

1st Unzip folder
2nd Start TexMod
3rd Guild Wars Embed as applying
4th The Tdf Embed
5th Click on Run


The Cara must look exactly like the Pic, look ”
The Cara has a Druid in gray with a riveting trousers (Pvp) or a fitting trousers (PVE) Help!
The raider is found in Droknar’s Forge
The mask is to find a mask in Droknar’s forge

Waldi Guild Wars Nude Patch
Waldi Guild Wars Nude Patch
1.2 MB
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