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Guild Wars Assassin nude patch

A Assassins Full nude,
The patch is based on the TexMod. (He is not in the file.)
A Thanks to the author Vergil for this patch.


Hey Guys,

this is a Nude patch for the Assassin in Guild Wars.


1st TexMod
2nd Assassination, hairstyle (back row, third row from left), face (lower middle), hair color (top row first from left), color (bottom row left)
3rd Character must be naked. Weapon can remain invisible or helmet off.

Here’s how:

1st “Target Application” is the Guild Wars exe
2nd In the “Package Mode” the file “Assassine.tpf” download
3rd Run
4th Enjoy have and will not notice the blue Boppel at the breast. (Model)
If it does not immediately work out, then just leave the area once and let another load, then the modified Guild Wars Assassin nude skins are loaded.

– By Vergil

Guild Wars Assasin Nude Patch
Guild Wars Assasin Nude Patch
3.0 MB
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