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Toreador Latex Vampire mod

In here there are various latex outfits for Toreador.


Latex Series 2 is a set of models and skins for Vampire: The Masquerade – Bloodlines Toreador Model
Author – MDG
Feb 2006

Latex Series contains the following changes:
1. Toreador female model with 5 armors.
2. New clandoc000.txt file to allow the use of the fifth armor (only available from Heather after the Society of Leopold quest).
3. New Prostitute(2) Skin

What’s changed from Version 1
Armor 0 and 2 replaced with new skins.
Remaining skins  have added polish and extra detail added.

Toreador Latex Vampire mod Installation

(If you have previously installed any custom skins or models be sure to
back them up before installing Latex Series)

To install, extract the Zip file to your Vampire directory.
e.g. <drive>:\PROGRAM FILES\Activision\Vampire – Bloodlines\
Start a new game as a Toreador Female and play as usual.

Tools Used:
VampEd Ver 0.91 – Dave Gaunt
Quick and dirty Bloodlines Tools version 3.9a (c) 2004-5 Turvy
Adobe Photoshop CS2
Corel Photopaint X3

Using the new skins as a playable character:
For e.g. To change the Brujha Female model to the prostitute

  • 1. go to <drive>:\PROGRAM FILES\Activision\Vampire – Bloodlines\Vampire\vdata\system
  • 2. Open clandoc000.txt
  • 3. Find the line (keep the quotes) – “F_Body0”  “models/character/pc/female/brujah/armor0/brujah_female_armor_0.mdl”
  • 4. Change it to –    “F_Body0”  “models/character/npc/common/prostitute/prostitute_1/prostitute_1.mdl”
    or use the following lines to play as Venus or VV
    “F_Body1”  “models/character/npc/unique/downtown/venus/venus.mdl”
    “F_Body2”  “models/character/npc/unique/downtown/vv/vv.mdl”
  • 5. X in the number in “F_BodyX” text corresponds to the armor level (0-4).

If you are having trouble getting the new skins and models to work, check the file structure of the installation.
All texture files are located under the Vampire\materials directory and all model files are located under the
Vampire\models directory.
Your installation should match the file structure shown below:

NPC Skins
Misti (Prostitute)
<drive>:\PROGRAM FILES\Activision\Vampire – Bloodlines\Vampire\materials\models\character\npc\unique\hollywood\misti

Toreador Skins
<drive>:\PROGRAM FILES\Activision\Vampire – Bloodlines\Vampire\materials\models\character\pc\female\toreador\armor0-4

Toreador Models
<drive>:\PROGRAM FILES\Activision\Vampire – Bloodlines\Vampire\models\character\pc\female\toreador\armor0-4

Toreador Latex Vampire Mod
Toreador Latex Vampire Mod
13.2 MB
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