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Cyberpunk 2077 Cyber Engine Tweaks

Cyber Engine Tweaks (CET) is a scripting framework and quality of life fixes for Cyberpunk 2077. This utility is required for Appearance Menu Mod. Credits: yamashi.


For Users:
Comes with a UI to configure the different mods you are using or using the console directly. It also adds some in game patches for quality of life (for example it fixed the security flaw that was then fixed with the 1.12 patch of the game), all of which can be enabled/disabled through the settings menu or config files.

For Modders:
Gives modders a way to script mods with access to all the internal scripting features.

How to Install Cyberpunk 2077 Cyber Engine Tweaks

  • Place the “bin” folder to your Cyberpunk install directory: “…\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Cyberpunk 2077”. If installed properly, the Cyber Engine Tweaks files (plugins folder, LICENSE, global.ini, version.dll) will be in the “x64” folder of your install directory.
  • Ensure all apps that add overlays to the game (Rivatuner, Fraps, Afterburner, Discord, Steam, Gog, Windows 10 Game Bar, Geforce Experience, et cetera) are disabled as the console may not open with overlays active.
  • Run the game. When you first start the game, a window will appear prompting you to choose a keybind to bring up the overlay. Pick any key and save it. Now it will open with that key from now on.
Cyberpunk 2077
Set Keybind when CET first launches.
  • [OPTIONAL] To check that everything works you can look at the logs in “/bin/x64/plugins/cyber_engine_tweaks/cyber_engine_tweaks.log”.


  • There’s an error saying “Unknown Version”. Ensure the following:
    • If you have modified your game’s “.exe” file yourself, the mod won’t work – to undo this, delete the file and verify your game through GOG, Steam or Epic to download a fresh copy of the newest exe.
    • You’re using a patch that is not supported (currently only 1.31 is supported). You used the old version of the mod and still have the old files installed. Delete “bin/x64/plugins” and reinstall the mod.
  • Your keybind is forgotten that brings up the overlay for CET. To reset them, you should delete the “hotkeys.json” and “config.json” files located in “bin/x64/plugins/cyber_engine_tweaks” and open your game, the overlay to pick a new keybind should come up.
  • The prompt to choose a keybind doesn’t appear and or pressing the chosen keybind does not bring up the mod. There are six possible solutions to this:
    • Ensure your game is in Windowed Borderless mode.

      Cyberpunk will usually make itself the topmost application on your screen if in fullscreen.
    • Ensure you don’t have any overlay or monitoring software running such as Rivatuner, Fraps, etc.
    • Make sure your game is up to date and you are using the latest version of Cyber Engine Tweaks and that you installed it properly (do a clean install by deleting the plugins folder, LICENSE, global.ini, version.dll files if you are running into a problem).
    • Run the game as administrator (this works for some people where other methods have failed).
    • Check to make sure your antivirus software is not removing or blocking cyber engine tweaks.
    • Do a complete reinstall of Cyberpunk 2077.
  • Not working with your version of the game. Please verify that:
    • Your version of Cyberpunk is compatible with this tool (currently only 1.31 is supported). You can find it in the menu, underneath “Quit Game”.
    • The installation guide has been followed correctly.
    • You have verified that the log found in “bin/x64/plugins/cyber_engine_tweaks/cyber_engine_tweaks.log” is “last modified” at the same time and date as your most recent attempt to launch the game.
    • Remove all previous mods in the mods folder and try to launch the game. If it works, add your mods back one by one until you find the one that breaks CET. Some mods can break CET completely or change the overlay colour if they are not up to date.
  • Cyberpunk crashes after the intro video when using CET 1.17.1. Do next:
    • Open Windows Security.
    • Go to “Apps & Browser control” on the left tabs.
    • Click “Exploit protection settings” Under the “Exploit Protection” section.
    • In the “Systems Settings” tab locate “Randomize memory allocations (Button-up ASLR)” and “High-entropy ASLR” and change their settings to “Use default (On)”.
    • Restart your computer.

  • When you press the key to show the console, you only see the cursor. Certain programs conflict with the hook that Cyber Engine Tweaks use to display the console. Some examples of such programs: AMD Radeon, Discord, Geforce Experience, Steam, XBOX Game Bar, MSI Afterburner, Rivatuner, GoG Galaxy, Epic, NZXT Cam, Ubisoft Connect.
    To avoid this, disable any software with overlays that may impact the mod. This includes crashing the game or not launching at all. “OBS graphics-hook32.dll” and “graphics-hook64.dll” can also interfere. Do a search of your windows files to see if you have a program running them. For rivatuner, you can also open the Global file with notepad++, which is located in “RivaTuner Statistics Server\ProfileTemplates” and add “cyber_engine_tweaks.asi” (without quotes) to the end of the decimal in the line: “InjectionDelayTriggers”.
Cyber Engine Tweaks
Cyber Engine Tweaks
Version: 1.17.1
2.2 MB
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