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Fahrenheit Naked Females

Here’s a nude mod that removes clothes of the following models: Carla (in civilian clothing, in lingerie, in sportswear) and Tyler’s girlfriend in evening dress. It also removes the shower curtain when Carla takes a shower in Fahrenheit. Credits: xennex.


Modified textures:

  • Carla in civilian clothing.
    The sweater and the pants are cut out to bring to the fore Carla’s breasts and bottom. Added the detailed genitals.
  • Carla in lingerie.
    The top and the pants are cut out to bring to the fore her boobs and pussy.
  • Carla in sportswear.
    Her costume has been cut in several places, so you can see her naked tits and pussy.
  • Tyler’s girlfriend in evening dress.
    The dress has holes to show her private parts.

How to Install Fahrenheit Naked Females:

  • Download and start the “Texmod” tool.
  • Click on the “Target Application” option.
  • Select “Fahrenheit.exe” in the game directory: “Program Files \ Atari \ Fahrenheit \ Fahrenheit.exe”.
  • Open the “Select Packages” option (see the yellow folder) and choose the “FahrenheitNP.tpf” file from the unpacked compressed package.
  • Click on the “Run” button.
  • Done! Enjoy!
Fahrenheit Nude Patch
Fahrenheit Nude Patch
fahrenheit nude patch.rar
755.5 KB
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