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The Sims 4 Mod Conflict Detector

It’s a powerful GUI tool for detecting and solving mod conflicts in the game. This program will detect broken mods, duplicates, sims2/sims3 files, conflicts, disabled files, third party files, and technically-not-even-mods or wrong content type files, that got in the “Mods” folder by mistake. Credits: DmitryMalfatto.


It controls and fixes errors of modifications for The Sims 4.

Main Features:

  • Detect non-TS4 files.
  • Detect stray files (not *.package, *.zip et al, but something that doesn’t belong in your “Mods” folder).
  • Disable (particular) mods.
  • Open file in s4pi.
  • Show file in folder.
  • Delete file(s) straight from the program.
  • Search for duplicate mods.
  • Analyse files (to find out exactly in what way they modify the game).
  • Copy conflicting Resource Keys.

System Requirements:

  • Operating system: Vista, 7, 8, 8.1, 10*.
  • RAM: 1 GB.
  • .NET Framework 4.6.
  • XP No longer supported.
    * Still no known version for MAC users. RT, Phone and Mobile editions are not supported.

DISCLAIMER: I did not create this program nor did I have any involvement in helping to create it, therefore I do not know how the internal factors in said program work. I am not a computer programmer, so I don’t have the knowledge to help you sort out any internal problems you may have with your system. Download and use at your own risk. Thank you.


Just unzip the “Mod Conflict Detector” folder to a folder on your desktop or in your downloads.
Note: It’s not a mod, it’s a program so don’t put it in your “Mods” folder or it won’t work.

How to use
  1. Make a backup copy of your “Mods” folder just to be on the safe side.
    You can copy this folder to another part of your hard drive, or to a spare hard drive if you have one. You could also compress the information (Zip or Rar) to save space.
  2. Now that you have made a copy the “Mods” folder and can be sure that your sims won’t be affected in this process, it’s time to find the files that are most likely the problem.
    Go to the “Mod Conflict Detector” folder and launch “.exe” file (right-click the app and RUN AS ADMINISTRATOR).
  3. [OPTIONAL] If the language is not English by default, do next:
    When you first open the program, there is a only one field that you can choose from a drop down menu that selects English. Click that, then at the very bottom click the left yellow button “save”. Reopen the program and it will be in English now.
  4. Set the path to where your mods are installed in game and save the result.
  5. Then you will scan. You can scan the entire directory, a single folder, or a single file.
  6. On the left side of the window you will see a smiley face with the version number of the program. If a red sad face shows up, then it will have a file listed next to it. You need to find that file in your mods folder and remove it.
  7. Then run the scan again. Repeat it until you get no sad faces.
    Once it is able to make it all the way through your mods folder, it will automatically analyze the files it has scanned. That can take a bit of time if you have a lot of files. When it is finished, you will have a list of every mod file in the directory and they will be color coded. If you aren’t sure what a color means, mouse over the colors legend on the upper right.
  8. When you complete the work in the program, close “Mod Conflict Detector”. DO NOT keep “Mod Conflict Detector” opened when starting your game up. It can/will break it.


Do I need to download Language package for English?

No, you don’t need. The “” file is only for other languages (FR, CN, TW, RU).

I don’t understand the duplicate mods part, it says I have A LOT of duplicate mods and they’re in blue of course, but if I delete the mods marked in blue am I deleting the whole mod or just a duplicate? Because I can’t find any duplicates when I look myself. I hope I’m making sense it’s just I have hundreds of mods and don’t want to risk deleting mods.

As long as you have the directory only set to your Documents\Electronic Arts\The Sims 4\Mods folder, it only highlights one of them as a duplicate. So anything that says “Has Duplicates” would be ok to delete, the one it duplicates would be highlighted as “Ready”. You can sort it by File Name to be sure though and make a backup copy of your Mods folder just to be on the safe side.

Could I use this to see if I have broken cc that isn’t compatible or doesn’t have a mesh?

It will detect broken cc/mods, just look to the lower left hand side of the application to check what color represents broken cc/mods when you go to check your files.

I downloaded this today and it was working just fine until I switched it to advanced user mode. After I quit it and restarted, it wouldn’t stop loading . No matter how many times I redownload or delete the files it just keeps loading forever.

Seems this happens if you close the program in advanced mode while having an invalid game folder in the settings… You can go to %LOCALAPPDATA%\Mod Conflict Detector\ and edit or delete the AppSettings.json file to make it load again.

The mod conflict detector 1.9.1 2017 has an error, when i open it it says: System.IO.PathTooLongException: The specified path, file name, or both are too long. The fully qualified file name must be less than 260 characters, and the directory name must be less than 248 characters. Please help.

It means that the total number of characters added up, for all the directories + the file name, is too long. So for example, if we have a mod called WeLoveModders.package in our Sims 4 mods folder, the path would be something like C://Users/kawaii93/Documents/Electronic Arts/Sims 4/Mods/WeLoveModders.package. There, we’ve used 57 characters for the specified path to the file and 21 characters for the file name, when we add up each letter, character and space. The grand total is 78 characters, which is below the 260 character limit that Windows has.
So if you have his program buried deep in folders and/or use long folder/file names, it’ll add up and then Windows gets cranky. You could try moving his folder to your desktop and opening the program from there to see if it works.

I downloaded and am running the program now. However, ALL of my CC and mods appear to be missing from the folders I had them in. The folders are still there, but the contents are missing. Did this program really just delete ALL of my cc and mods??!!

Unless you hit the delete button within the program it doesn’t auto delete your content. You can restore a backup of your “Mods” folder if you made its backup copy before.

Main file (required).

TS4 Mod Conflict Detector
TS4 Mod Conflict Detector
Version: 2.2.300.0
2.6 MB

Language file (optional). Click Details.

Additional Languages for Mod Conflict Detector
42.1 KB
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