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Age of Conan Female Nude Skins

This nude mod replaces all human females with a lewd version. Added nude textures for succubus.


Age of Conan Female Nude Skins

DISCLAIMER – I hold no liability/responsibility if something happens to your account for using this mod. You might get caught somehow, but I would think
it unlikely since this is a completely client side mod… Use at your own risk though.

Thanks to:

Muhammad Haggag over on the forums for providing the injection code
of which without, this mod may have never existed.

Funcom for making a sweet ass game with some fine CG ladies.


1. Unzip to any directory you want… just make sure the files are all in the same directory.

2. Run NudeAoC.bat… and keep it running until exiting Age of Conan.

3. Run Age of Conan.

4. Enjoy full nakedness 🙂

5. Take all the screenshots\videos you can before Funcom breaks this mod.

1.9 version:

  • Made a nude succubus skin. Thanks to Parmon for the model info.

1.8 version:

  • Put Tina’s skirt back on and all of Alyssa’s clothes.
  • Made the mod work with while being in any folder.

1.7 version:

  • Put a disclaimer in the program… don’t want any guff from someone if their computer explodes from running this mod 😛
  • Optimized the code a little.

1.6 version:

  • Females should no longer be invisible in the inventory screen.
  • A bug should be fixed that was causing some parts of females to be invisible.
  • Took off Casilda’s clothes.

1.5 version:

  • Changed back the bug that removed the nude texture with certain armor back that was fixed in 1.4 because it was causing a game crash.

1.4 version:

  • Took off Zelata’s clothes, in Wild Lands of Zelata. Thought it kinda made sense for a witch to be naked.
  • Fixed a bug that would sometimes cause the nude textures to not render.

1.3 version:

  • Started using .tga files instead of DDS to get rid of compression artifacts. Body markings work as a result.
  • Removed Tina’s shirt, who’s in the Thirsty Dog, and gave her a full body.
  • Removed Alyssa’s shirt, also in the Thirsty Dog, and gave her a full body… She’s still wearing sleeves though… kinky.

1.2 version:

  • Fixed another rendering problem that sometimes occured where the mark was on players.
  • Removed Tina’s skirt and whoever else might be wearing it… like Alyssa. Unfortunately Tina’s top can’t be removed because she has some missing body parts under there.
  • Made a fix where females nude skin just won’t show up if the mod was installed to the wrong location, instead of crashing.

1.1 version:

  • Fixed alpha textures on full nude images to correct some blemishes.

– Certain Armors remove the nude texture.



Nudeaoc Age Of Conan Full Nude Mod1 9
Nudeaoc Age Of Conan Full Nude Mod1 9
2.5 MB
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5 thoughts on “Age of Conan Female Nude Skins”

  1. AoC crashes with the .bat running. It’s a pity, but it seems like they got around it. Could you please make an updated version?

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