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City of Heroes Nude Skins

This mod strips the female characters who wear a particular outfit. It creates an entirely nude skin for City of Heroes nude patch females, with appropriate bitmapping and color map layers. The skin itself replaces the entire Tops with Skin metal option set, giving the set a seamless look to unmodified clients, and of course, making a good amount of unsuspecting females totally naked other than boots and gloves, the skin set is highly detailed, modified off Magius’s detail bump maps. The nipples on the top do not in any way conflict with already installed nipple mods, so if you’re running a subtle nipple mod for clothed outfits, they will remain that way, and in this skin you will have fully. exposed and appropriately shaded and colored nipples. The bottoms have been fully bump mapped as well for high detail and a 3D appearrance to the pubic mound. Credits: Unbroken.


Open the zip file and extract all files to drive C: or whichever drive you have CoH installed on. Make sure you have “Use Folder Names” selected, and all the files will unzip to the correct directory paths in your CoH\data directory.

City Of Nude Patched Heroes
City Of Nude Patched Heroes
148.7 KB
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