Bondage Gear .. for male characters.
The balance must be maintained at last. : D
Version: 1.0
Compatibility: CS v1.2 / Roberts male body v3 or v4
Slof’s Bondage Gear by AlienSlof
*About this mod
*Known Bugs & Issues
*Incompatibilities & Save game warnings
*Credits & Usage
*Special Notes
Oblivion (of course!)
Made with CS v1.2
Robert’s male body v3 or v4
ABOUT Oblivian mod bondage gear
This was a request which I eagerly took up with my new-found modelling skills. It’s just a simple little fun thing and not meant to be taken seriously. It adds 6 two-piece sets of male bondage gear to Borba Gra-Uzgash at Borba’s Goods & Trade in Cheydinhall – apparently, she likes kinky men! There is also a spare chest in the Testinghall.
This is for males only and is very adult in nature. While wearing this, he will be in a large and ‘excited’ state, and decorated. I like kinky men! Not for minors or prudes.
INSTALLATION Oblivian mod bondage :
Oblivian nude patch bondage gear should consist of:
Slof’s Bondage.txt
Slof’s Bondage.esp
Meshes folder
Textures folder
Just drag all these (minus the readme) onto the data folder in your Oblivion directory and they will go where they are meant to.
For those new to installing mods, I recommend reading – It will save me having to answer the same questions over and over again. It’s not difficult, just takes a little practice!
None that I know of.
These items come in a uniquely-named chest and shouldn’t conflict with anything else. All content is new. Always make sure that you back up your existing savegame file before use.
Made to use Robert’s seamless male body, so skin textures may look rather odd if used with any other. Will look silly on females.
Robert:- body meshes
AlienSlof:- meshes & textures
Thanks to:
Their meshes were the basis for this work. Remodelled extensively by me.
Big thanks to Kikaimegami for putting up with my noob questions! Thanks also to Kikai and Sen-chan for testing and screenies.
Requested by Last Psychopomp. 🙂
These meshes are not to be re-used under any circumstances, nor converted for females. Permission will be denied. This file is not to be redistributed to other sites. This is an adult mod and I’m not prepared to take any crap about it.